Cowley Double Road Bridge to Pendeford Bridge 4

A slight change of schedule has increased the hours we need to cruise so an early start was needed. The alarm was set and after making a cuppa we pushed off a little after 7am with mugs in hand. There soon appeared a boat behind us, it felt as if we’d pushed out in front of them so Mick pulled over to let them past as soon as we reached the first straight.
I headed below aiming to spend much of the day model making. Being on the flat should make it easy to concentrate, yesterday this hadn’t proved to be the case as there were so many places I wanted to see. Today I had to do better!
I finished pieces for the hallway scenes and then got on with the additions for the Ugly Sisters boudoir scene for when they are getting ready for the ball or in this case the Carnaval.

We pootled onwards. After an hour and a half we’d reached Wheaton Aston. Diesel at Turners would have been 83.9p a litre, but sadly it being early and a Sunday meant they were closed, no top up today. Pigs on the far side of the winding hole already seemed to have had enough for the day, all covered in mud and very much horizontal.

The boat we’d let overtake us was waiting at the lock as another boat came down, the world waking up and being on the move. We were soon on our way up and heading along the next tree lined straight.
A message was sent to sisters, we were following a slow boat, we’d be late for the Geraghty zoom. Bouncy castles, flag poles and little crevice flowers featured today. At last it was time for breakfast, too hot for the full works but Mick made us both a bacon and mushroom butty to keep us going.

As we pushed off again two old planes came circling overhead, a Messerschmitt and a Hurricane maybe, or a Spitfire, RAF Cosford air show today, maybe we’d see more planes. We pootled in towards Brewood timing our arrival very well to slot into a gap just before other boats arrived hoping to do the same. Have to say some of the boats there look like they have settled in nicely on the 2 day mooring!

Shopping was required so we walked into the village to stock up on nice things for lunch. A sit down with a Sunday newspaper was requested by Mick before standing at the helm for a while longer today.
The temperature continued to rise as I headed into the rainforest and gardens of Cinderella. Rostra archways and the front cloth all getting attention.
Before we got too close to the urban areas around Autherley Junction we were wanting a mooring. Mick peeked over the hedge at the first possible candidate, far too risky for an enquiring feline mind, we carried on. Every now and then Mick would attempt to pull in, every time the Shropie shelf or silt would have other ideas. Running out of the rural setting we made do with a gap between us and the bank, no need for tyre fenders we were sat on the bottom.

The Red Arrows gave us a display, a little bit too far away and looking towards the sun made it hard to see them. Several other planes went over head throughout the afternoon.

Blimey it got muggy, we’d thought of having a barbeque but with the bank being a gap away from the boat we decided against it, the defrosted salmon and a red pepper could be cooked onboard instead, just as the heavens opened and thunder rumbled over head. Rain bounced on the roof and came in through the bathroom mushroom vent, a little disconcerting being dripped on whilst brushing your teeth!
1 lock, 10.7 miles, 3 moorings, 3 cheeses, 2 meat, 1 pate, 2 scenes solved, 3 hours, 8 red arrows? 55meg, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.

Bacon & mushroom sarny is just fine! Do me..