Cromwell Lock to Torksey Lock

No time for tea in bed this morning, there was the tide to catch. The sun rose opposite our mooring, what a beautiful sight, shame there wasn’t time to enjoy it.
I realised we’d not moved the hose and other bits and bobs out from the cratch, this makes access to the anchor easier should we need to lower it in an emergency. I picked up the hose and brought it into the boat. Then mooring spikes were popped away into a bow locker, as I did this my back gave a slight twinge. Lifting the bucket of other stuff gave me another twinge. The cratch was now a lot clearer but my back was a lot sorer! Stooping under the cratch cover was not a thing I wanted to do, so Mick rolled the covers up as I managed to walk up the ramp from the mooring to see if that would help.
Mick radioed the lock keeper, the lights at the lock turned green, he was ready for us. We untied, winded and headed for the lock. Our plans were checked with the lock keeper, time of departure tomorrow from Torksey. He’d call ahead to let the other locks know we were out on the river.

At 9am the paddles lifted to empty the massive lock, gradually Oleanna descended to the current level of the tidal River Trent. We were off, the fast route north, heading downstream with the tide.

We’ve done this route several times now. The Boating Association charts are always with us at the stern. The red line well worth following. If you stray from the marked channel you can end up grounding on sand banks. This could mean you having to wait for the next flood to float you again. If the tides are heading towards neap tides you may have to wait several days before you can move again, so it’s well worth following that red line, it’s easy.

New red signs stand high on the east bank. The camera zoomed in to take a photo so we could see what they said. Ahhh! Yes! There were rather a lot of fishermen out on the banks!
We joined the Geraghty zoom for a short while. Our reception not quite good enough on a phone to join in properly today. There was an update on sofa covers, sadly we couldn’t see the results as everyone was too small.

What a beautiful day. Blue skies, high clouds of many varieties. But blimey it was chilly!

Navigational markers on the sides of the river help you to know where you are. Km markers noting the distance from Nottingham. Red and green markers, although quite a few now have lost their tops.

The charts show you what landmarks to line up to, old mills, pylons and white posts. Submerged islands to avoid. Notes on which span of bridges to pass under noted by the graffiti on them. Someone however does need to refresh the graffiti as on Fledborough Viaduct it is now just about rusted out of view.

At around the 64km marker we were following the channel round a steep bend when the one and only other boat we’d see today came towards us. There was just enough time for the chap to warn us of a tree in the channel, somewhere! We’re not sure we got to see the tree, maybe that is something to look out for tomorrow.

The cold was starting to penetrate the thermals. Hand warmers required. My back gradually making it harder and harder to move about.

Ahead Cottam Power Station could be seen, we were nearly there. A warm up inside might do me good, but we’d be in Torksey soon.

A flight of Cormorants sat in trees. The river side of the trees white, was this from a liberal spraying of cormorant guano?

Round the next bend the familiar building just before Torksey Junction, then the large sign announced our arrival at todays destination. We turned into the cut, a boost of power to make the move was needed as the pull from the out going tide was still evident.
Mick pulled us up at the end of the pontoon. We’d not be heading up the lock onto the canal this time as we need to head off early in the morning a little before the tide turns. At least today we wouldn’t be shouted at by Tilly wanting to be out.

My back was now causing problems, I had to wait for Mick to moor up and then come to open the back doors, the steps at the stern a touch of a challenge. I really hope this improves as I’ve the #unit21 floor to finish painting at the end of next week!
An early lunch and then nothing much for the remainder of the day. Time spent sat down has been followed by time standing, trying to find comfortable positions to ease my lower back. Fingers crossed this is short lived.
1 lock, 16.3 miles, 1 right, 1 boat, 1 twinge that lasted all day, 5 layers to be increased tomorrow, 1 cosy boat, 1 quiet boat, 1 thumbs up thankfully, 2 boaters ready for 9pm.