Kings Marina, Newark
Over the last few days the towpath investigators have been out on the Stainforth and Keadby Canal where Maud’s Swing Bridge has sat closed to boat traffic for two months following a vehicle strike. Footage of the damage has appeared on social media pages.
The general consensus is ‘what’s the problem!?!’ as what is visible is only a bent railing and not a very dramatic one at that. On Oleanna we do our best to take a measured view of such things. The vehicle strike may not look that dramatic on the top but has it affected things below the road surface making the bridge harder to open and close.
Is there an element of the bridge being needed as a diversion route to avoid Moores Bridge whilst the works there have overrun. If you can’t get through one bridge there is no rush to mend the next one as the canal is closed to boats anyway. We know that there is an issue with C&RT claiming against the vehicles insurance and that may take time.
Rumours are that the IWA will be meeting with C&RT to discuss the problems at Mauds Bridge. But will there be an update about this? There has been no update notice since the bridge was first closed two months ago.

Mick decided to send an enquiry to C&RT.
Maud’s Swing Bridge on the Stainforth & Keadby Canal has been closed since 23rd November following a vehicle strike. Now I do understand that the vehicle strike is outside of your control. However since the original stoppage notice over two months ago there has been no further update with regard to the status of this stoppage. We were planning to come through this bridge early in January in order to get back to our booked mooring in Goole. Our plans have been seriously scuppered by this extended closure not helped by the total lack of any updates or information from yourselves. I did ring up to enquire about this closure and was informed that there is no update available and that the bridge might be closed for months. If this is the case why don’t you update the stoppage notice accordingly? If this stoppage is to carry on for much longer would C&RT consider paying for the cost of a pilot to take us round Trent Falls from Keadby to Goole so we can get back to our mooring?
Their reply this morning.
I am really sorry to hear that the closure of this bridge has affected your plans.
We have refrained from updating the notice further as nothing has changed since we last updated it. I really do understand how frustrating this is but we thought it would be best to wait on concrete news before we update any more, so for now we have left it as it is. We are doing our best to find out more information. However, This is a complicated closure and it was unforeseen, so it is taking a little longer than we’d all like to resolve this one.
Once we have new information regarding this we will update accordingly via our notices and stoppages.
In terms of paying for you to get back to the winter mooring I don’t think it’s something we can commit to, Which I am sorry to inform you. I can confirm that we will be happy to assist you with any requested over stays whilst you get back to your winter mooring. We’ll be happy to help you with this any time you request or need it.
Not updating the notice because there is no news, just fuels the towpath investigators, conspiracy theories etc. Yes it’s complex but we only know that because we’ve asked about it. It’s a bit like sitting on a train that has stopped in the middle of nowhere, maybe in the middle of a tunnel, and the guard coming on the tanoy to tell you the train has stopped. Then nothing, no reason given, just silence, for hours and hours. All you can do is sit in the dark with no view. Train passengers expect and usually get more information.
No news is not always good news!
We look forward to an update being issued.