Avon Aqueduct
Time for a proper lie in, my cold felt like it was sitting on my chest now. The day went slowly on Oleanna. Tilly came and went and I ended up watching TV for much of the day with little impetus to do anything else.

Up in Scarborough Mick got a lift from our next door neighbours to the dentist, the buses out of town have changed to only running every two hours, not so helpful. So a big thank you to Andy and Lisa.

Back at the house Mick did a paw count of the local felines, everyone was present. Then it was time for him to head back to Rugby. The train via Hull had been cancelled, so instead he took the route via York. The Ouse very high and understandably no boats were moored at Museum Gardens.

Back at Oleanna I prepared a chicken, tarragon, leek and feta pie. Tilly leaving her stamp of approval on the crust. Jacket potatoes baked in the stove accompanied my pie. Very tasty even with a cold.

With Water Explorer closing down at the end of the year we’ve been looking into different ways we can track our movements. One idea is via our Victron Venus GX which can log our journeys automatically, we’d then have to down load it and do something with it. Another is via the Nebo app. Last year when we escaped Goole with SeaMaiden and Lullabelle, we all downloaded the app. This helped us see where on the river each of us were when not in view. It was designed more for off shore use, but more and more boats seem to be using it on the inland waterways.

Recently Nebo has had an update and some of the trips I logged with it earlier this year have arrivals and departures from locks, on other trips there are no way points, others it seems to make note of a lock every minute that you are there, ending up with numerous entries for one location! We’ll trial it for the next few weeks alongside Water Explorer. We’ve already adjusted our What3words app to give us a grid reference alongside the three words when we moor up. Both of these are noted down each time we move just in case we should need any assistance from the emergency services.

We’ll see what we think.

Thank you Dave Scouts for you advice on the font colour. Mick has done as you suggested, the colour is black as I write a post now, or so it seems. But then in preview mode it goes back to a dark grey! Boo.
0 locks, 0 miles, 6 trains, 1 lift, 3 lemsips, 1 lazy day, 4 paws, 1 yummy pie.
When you note your grid reference and what3words location for the boat I hope you note the location for the nearest access point too as that’s what the emergency services will need if you have to call them. If it’s in a town with named roads then the road name for the access point helps too. Make it clear which way to walk from the access point, for example “turn left and walk along the towpath with the canal on your right”.
If you do call the emergency services make it clear which bank of the waterway you are on (e.g. West). The first time we had to call the emergency services (for a fisherman) we didn’t specify which bank and they turned up to the correct location promptly, but on the East side of the canal and wasted time driving round to the West where we were. Fortunately it had no effect on the outcome.
We record gpx tracks on a variety of devices but they are all imported into Memory-Map where we have a track for every journey our boat has made (and every walk I’ve made collecting map data too).
Thanks Paul. We’ve noted about the w3w and the grid ref comments. When we log the position we are careful that the w3w square is on the correct side of the bank. But it’s worth telling them anyway and a good point about the access points.
I have looked at importing GPX files to Memory Map but MM require a licence to do that and they want $99 to do it. Further investigations are being carried out! What was nice about Water Explorer is that it logged you going through each lock and gave you a running total. I’m sort of resigned to having to manually count the locks!
I see the main text as black and confirmed via inspect elements so maybe you need to to clear your browser cache?
Hi Dave
It is black because Pip has to change each block to black as she whites it. Doing that is what inserts the “class=”has-black-color has-text-color” and makes the block black. If she doesn’t do that the block is grey. I’m looking at how to make the default block black (000000)
I might email you with some screen shots to show you what I mean. (But not today!)
Hi Mick
Glad to help if i can, although i now use the Kadence them rather than 2012