Avon Aqueduct, to Avon Aqueduct
Another day with a cuppa in bed, just a shame this morning it was accompanied by a touch of a sore throat. Could this be the cold that nearly always followed the hard work of opening a Christmas show? Could this be a cold passed on from one of the panto actors? Could it be a reaction to having had both the flu and covid boosters? Or could it be I’ve managed to get covid again? I took a test later in the day and it was negative, however previous experience suggests you don’t necessarily test positive as soon as you feel poorly. The sore throat however feels less like P60 sandpaper, so I’m hoping it’s just a cold.

With the day due to be full of rain we decided to get up and get moving before breakfast. Just as the bed was slotted away an engine could be heard, I peeked out to see a garden bench passing by, NB Harnser. We just managed to get the side hatch open in time to be able to say Good Morning as Brian and Diana passed by and have a short conversation.

We couldn’t remember if we were on the mooring closest to Rugby Station or not, but this soon became obvious as we pushed of and pootled onwards towards Clifton Cruisers hire base. No more armco showed itself, just the angled stone side of the canal, which makes pulling in to moor awkward.

Just before the hire fleet sprawl across the canal there is a small arm which used to be part of the Oxford Canal before it was straightened. Now filled with permanent moorings we were able to wind.
Our destination would be a familiar one as it would be exactly the same space we’d just pulled away from, just as well as the rain was half an hour earlier than forecast.

Tilly was very reluctant to go out, understandably, but managed a few times bringing mud back into Oleanna! When will she learn to wipe her paws!!! Seems like she was using my clean dungarees to soak up the mud. No, I was just sitting on them so that you couldn’t wear them again!

After lunch we adjusted our position as the boat behind had fired up their generator and the fumes were making their way through our back door. Mick pulled us along about 50ft so the fumes could dissipate before entering Oleanna.
An afternoon of rain and not much more. Mick caught up with Chris from NB Elektra. For a while we’ve been trying to change the default colour of the font used on the blog to just black making it easier for people to read. At the moment when I write a post each paragraph has it’s font colour changed from Dark Grey to Black, not a huge difference, but important to many readers. This is time consuming.

Of course we could find a ‘Theme’ that has black as it’s default, but we like the theme we already have. Chris and Mick spent quite sometime trying to find where the default setting for the font colour was and how to change it. Mick was left with some ideas to follow up and try, but sadly as I type this the font is still in Dark Grey! Thank you Chris for your time.
0 locks, 0.46 miles there and 0.46 miles back, 1 wind, 1 blogger, 1 sore throat, 1 box of tissues on standby, 4 muddy paws, 1 cosy boat, 1 wet day, 1 intermittent noise from the engine bay, 444 not 000000!

Another review for Panto
Get mick to use the inspect tool in Chrome or similar in other browsers. From what i can see you are using the twentytwelve theme so you should be able to change the font colour in the customiser.
I can see in the css that the body tag has the font colour set to #444 which is a grey.
There is also a class selector on the paragraphs tags
class=”has-black-color has-text-color
so you may need to add an override using custom css added to the theme
Thanks Dave. That’s not complete gobbledegook! Partial but not complete 😄. Gives me something to do.