Cambrian Wharf to Cast Iron Roving Bridge, BCN Main Line
Time to make use of the final hours of having a car. Last night we’d put the finishing touches to a click and collect from Tescos, so Mick headed off to do that first thing. I on the other hand headed off to the Dentist for a check up, the main reason for coming into Birmingham. Thankfully I got another pat on the back from Colin and he managed to move my hygiene appointment to tomorrow which will save us loitering for a few days.

Meanwhile Mick had chatted to the plumbers in Scarborough and arranged to meet them tomorrow morning, he’d be going by train this time. Our lodgers were informed and hopefully everything can be sorted whilst they are out at rehearsals.
Over the last few days we’ve had one of our CO alarms go faulty on us, replacing the batteries hadn’t done the job, so that needed replacing. Then last night the heat sensor in the main cabin had started beeping, this one you can’t change the batteries so it would also need to be replaced. Although after testing it the beeping stopped, we’d still rather have a new one.
Neither of these had been available to add to our click and collect order so we headed out in the car to Selly Oak where we’d have a choice of shops. We also needed to hunt for wooden cat litter.
The cat litter is as important for Tilly as it is for us. We use it in our composting toilet, both as a base layer and as cover (slightly fluffed up with water). Recently we’ve not found any in supermarkets, maybe all supplies have been diverted into generating electricity at Drax. Mick the other day managed to find somewhere we’d be able to buy a tonne of it, but that would be a touch excessive and we’d need to adjust Oleanna’s ballast.

There was none in Tesco’s Sainsburys, Wilkos. But we did manage to get replacement detectors. The search continued at the next retail park where there was a Pets at Home. They obviously knew we were hunting for wood pellets as there was a big pile of 30L bags right by the front door. We normally get 10L bags which tuck away easily. We looked round 15L was the smallest they did, Hmmm? If the shortage continues we’d be daft not to have stocked up. So we panic bought 30L’s of cat litter. All we had to do now was get it back to the boat and find somewhere to stow it where it wouldn’t get damp and expand!

Mick returned the car to the airport. I had a good catch up chat with David, he is sleeping better and eating, all progress in the right direction, still a way to go. Then after lunch we moved over to the water point. Here a load of washing was put on, rubbish disposed of and the hose connected to replenish our water supplies.
Only needing to be in Birmingham for a couple more nights we moved over to opposite the Arena and pulled in where we knew Tilly would appreciate the friendly cover. Almost on straight lines Mick added a spring line so we’d not get pushed and pulled around with the trip boats so much.

Just as I was putting down the cratch cover a group of ladies shouted across from the other bank. ‘Where can we buy tickets?’ Sorry, tickets?! ‘For a boat trip. How did we get over to you?’ It took a little bit to explain that this was my home, but I thought they might be able to get a trip if they headed back towards Gas Street.

As Mick spent hours booking train tickets to get to Scarborough (4 returns costing about half the price of a ticket for the whole journey), Tilly explored the friendly cover and I got out my knitting needles for the first time this month. There are pairs of baby socks to knit.

Today Versus Arthritis announced the final figure that they raised during the March Challenge which was £138,676.84. I personally raised £320, knitting 9 pairs of adult socks for donations. Now over the next week or so when we’re not boating I’ll be knitting at least 9 pairs of premature baby socks, one for each person who sponsored me. Thank you to everyone who sponsored me and also a big thank you to Lisa who donated some wonderful yarns. I’ll be changing the Redlockmakes page to show the finished socks on the feet they were knitted for soon.

I really enjoyed the challenge and it gave me something to do whilst we weren’t busy boating, sorting the house or working. I’m considering maybe doing it again next year, but for a different charity. I wonder if there are any other Indie Dyers who’d like to donate a skein or two of yarn to the cause?

A sockathon, but for which charity? Alzheimer’s Society. Down Syndrome Association. Mind. British Heart Foundation. Cinnamon Trust. Or maybe to a charity who offer disabled people trips away on a boat. So many to choose from, any suggestions please.
0 locks, 0.22 miles, 1 hire car back, 4 return tickets, 2 detectors, 6 monthly check-up, 30L cat litter, £320, 1 full water tank, 1 spring, 1 full day, 2 hours towpath exploration.

I think MIND would be a great charity to knit for, although all of them are fantastic of course.