Mill Lane Bridge 102
A day to sit in the shadows as the temperature was forecast to rise. So we just about managed a lie in, then enjoyed our Saturday newspaper with a cuppa in bed.

Tilly was given 9.5 hours which she used pretty much all of, just returning for the occasional ‘thank you for coming home’ Dreamie and to check we hadn’t moved the outside with her in it.
Mick filled the stern gland greaser and tightened the stern gland, a job to do when the engine is cold.

I set about hunting for hooded zip front overalls on the internet. Overalls tend not to have too many measurements, height, chest and sometimes waist or across the back. These of course are helpful. But when the majority of your actors have a body shape that does not conform to the average trying to find the right size can be a touch of a mine field. One of the actors would fit a Small height an shoulder wise, a Large chest wise, but a XXXL waist wise.

I worked through one brand hoping I was making the correct decisions on sizes, then found the same overalls elsewhere £5 cheaper with different sizes and measurements! In the end there was only one way to go forward, order one of every other size and get them delivered to me to be measured. This unfortunately meant signing up for Amazon Prime, a service I know a lot of people can’t live without, but it pains me not being able to support smaller companies. At least it’s a free months trial so it’s not costing me or Dark Horse anything and I have already put a reminder in the diary to cancel it before it starts to cost.
A long awaited for chat with David the Director of Chippy Panto regarding the coloured model. One or two small adjustments needed and a few extra bits of dressing are required such as a wheel barrow and a tea urn. He’s considering cutting a whole scene, one that doesn’t progress the plot and would save a lot of puppet making and UV paint.

Then it was back to putting some paint on the costume designs for #unit 21 whilst listening to the Prime Minister delaying the lifting of restrictions for four weeks. Later on the local news we realised just how far down the country we’ve come. Jo from Chippy Theatre was being interviewed with regard to the delay and how panto has been on sale for two years now. Looking at a map, we are currently level in north/southness with Chipping Norton which lies just an hours drive away to our west.

A towpath barbecue was enjoyed with an abundance of asparagus followed by salmon and veg kebabs. The day hadn’t turned out to be that hot, in fact it was a little bit disappointing in the heat department.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 stern gland greased, 1 stern gland tightened, 9.5 hours of towpath frolics, 1 speedy hire boat, 2 many measurements and not enough, 4 overalls ordered, 1 float, 9 costumes half painted, 3 highlight pens required, 1 hour chatting panto, 1 urn, 1 wheelbarrow and a few flowers, 4 more weeks, 2 London Leckenby chats, 1 Fatso windfall, 21 C Max.