Newbridge to Viking Marina

Still blustery this morning, we wondered how the boats heading to Keadby yesterday had faired. This morning a cruiser was penning down at 07:00, he was hoping to be able to turn at Trent Falls and work his way up the Trent against the tide. I’m so glad we are waiting for smaller tides and hopefully better weather.

As we had breakfast David/Paul messaged me saying that Sea Maiden and WB Lullabelle were now booked with Selby for the same dates as us. A Whatsap group was formed between the three boats and David suggested downloading Nebo.
Nebo is a boat logging ap, it automatically logs your journey and you can see where your friends are on the water too. I suspect it is mainly used by boats at sea, but for our little flotilla it will mean we can monitor where we are, keep an eye on speed and each others position.

I set it up on my phone and clicked start for our journey back into Goole. Not fully ofay with it before we pushed off (not now either), but it did show our position on the canal. Speed, weather and the next few hours of weather including temperature and wind speed, distance travelled etc. I could see David/Paul on the ap, but as yet I’ve not managed to add them to our friends list. There is plenty of time for that though.

We pootled our way back to Goole, glancing over our shoulders towards the breach a van pulled up, but no diggers in sight today. Hopefully we’ll have a walk back down that end in a few days time.

Pulling in at the services on the Goole Boathouse side we’d timed our arrival very badly. The septic tank at the services was about to be emptied, the pooh tanker and hoses being laid out. With only three lumps of coal left on Oleanna we needed to stock up so we tied up and coped with the aroma as the tanker shuddered as the tank was emptied.

Back over to Viking we pulled in on our mooring, tied up and could hear what was possibly a newly hatched Moorhen. Mick did his best to hold onto his phone to get a photo, a Moorhen sitting on the nest. I think they were a bit miffed we’d returned.

Our shopping arrived and was stowed away, then I continued with work whilst Mick busied himself out the back. He tidied up the engine bay and carefully reattached the stern fender. These are heavy and quite awkward, luckily he didn’t drop it.

A loaf of bread was mixed and kneaded, proved on the shelf and baked for Mick to eat over the next few days. He’s been banned from buying bread until at least one of the bags of bread flour is used up.

During the afternoon the sun shone, then the world went dark again. Big rumbles of thunder rolled over head followed by torrential rain. We’d left the cratch open and I got a good soaking closing it up.

Our troubled Christmas tree is starting to look a touch happier. It had really enjoyed being in the house at Christmas, so much so that it thought it was spring. It then got a shock when it wasn’t! It stalled with new yellow needles on the outside, the inner needles turning brown. But it is starting to show willing again with lots of new growth, here’s hoping being back on the boat it will be happy again. It just mustn’t grow too much otherwise it won’t fit inside!
0 locks, 4.06 miles, 2 bags coal, 0 shore leave, 1 pooh sucky machine, 4 boxes of wine, 1 thunderbolt completed, 1 fender, 3 bags rubbish, 1 lorry in the cut, 1 new ap.