Lockdown Mooring 4A to Marsh Lane Winding Hole to Lockdown Mooring 4A
For a second day in a row we pushed off before breakfast and made our way to Henhull Bridge. Here we both found the holes for our spikes with ease, slotting our spikes in and just giving them a tap back into the ground.

After breakfast I set off to walk into town leaving Mick and Tilly to wait for a Morrisons delivery. I followed the towpath to the embankment in Nantwich. Fields are filled with wild flowers and dandelion clocks, others have been cut and were having the cut grass turned over.

Walking into town I spotted that the chippy is now open and an Indian Take away is opening in the evening. I resisted the temptation to coincide my walk back with the chippy frying at lunchtime.

First port of call was the vets to pick up Tilly’s flea treatment for the next year. There was nobody directing people in the car park so I rang reception. I could see the ladies busy on the phones inside so kept calling. Fourth attempt paid off. I explained I wasn’t in a car and soon a lady brought a paper bag with Tilly’s goodies to a window. Tilly will be pleased!

Back into town to Holland and Barratt to check on their flour stocks. I topped up on Brown Flour rice, this will keep my bread making going for a while.
Then past the butchers, sadly we’d not pre-ordered anything from them, but it looks like they might be selling some things again from the front door.
At Marks and Spencers I joined the short queue. With it being the first time on visiting the store I had no idea what was where. This really doesn’t help when there is a oneway system in operation. Well it turned out that I wasn’t the only one doubling back. I was quite surprised at how pants the staff were who were restocking the shelves. One lady stood with her rack of produce looking at photos on someones phone of a baby, totally blocking an isle and not being aware of people around them. When I used to work in a shop I was always aware if I was in someones way, I think I’d be even more so now.

Pies were on my mind along with a few veg that we could do with. I found his and her pies which we’ll have in a few days when the temperature has dropped. Then I had a look at the gluten free things. Well fantastic they had plain flour! Alfred get to M&S. A bag jumped off the shelves into my basket. We can have cheese scones again!
With my shopping paid for I then headed to customer services. I’d ordered myself a new pair of jeans which I could collect here. My mission was now complete, time to head to the service block where I hoped Mick would be with Oleanna topping up with water.
Across the car park is a health centre. Alongside the building was a big NHS tent. Covid-19 testing centre came to mind, but it wasn’t it was an assessment centre.

I’ve been reporting on the Covid Symptom Study for the last few weeks. A few days ago I’d been feeling a touch light headed. When you log into the study it asks you ‘How do you feel physically right now?’. Well a bit light headed, so I had clicked the ‘I’m not feeling quite right’ option. This then led to quite a few other questions to which I confirmed that I was lightheaded. The following day I felt normal so reported that I was fine.
However I received an email from the study. ‘We are very excited to be able to offer you a chance to get tested for COVID-19.’ ‘We have developed a software test (an algorithm) to predict COVID-19. To test and improve this we are now working with the Department of Health and Social Care to give you access to a COVID-19 test.’ They were also inviting people who had no symptoms for a test too.
I clicked the button in the email, but no tests were available. The following morning I did the same and received the same response. I think I tried another couple more times and eventually managed to get through. All home testing kits had gone for the day, but a drive through test was possible.
A text message came through saying I’d been allocated a test which had a code attached. So I continued with this option, just where was my nearest test centre and would I be able to do this without the use of a car. Simple answer. NO. The next question was my car or van registration number. I considered trying again the following morning for a home test kit, but what address should I use? The postcode I’d given them in Nantwich belongs to someone I don’t know. So as time had ticked away, they prefer you to have a test within about three days of symptoms, I have to admit I gave up.

Being a boater with no home address and no car meant I slipped through the cracks of the testing system. Sandra from NB AreandAre has had an invitation too and also not succeeded in booking a test. We’ve both written back to the study explaining our problems. We’ll see if we get a response.
This evening we sat down to watch By Jeeves. Unfortunatly I’d got confused about the time, so we joined it an hour into Act 1, but Mick discovered that if he gave himself RSI he could rewind it to the beginning. So we settled down to watch the show.
Well for a show I hold very fondly in my heart I found the filming of it rather peculiar. The premise of the show is that you are a member of the audience to a fund raising show where Bertie Wooster will play the banjo, except that show has been cancelled due to the lack of his banjo. The opening to this filmed production and the auditorium have been taken to the nth degree which makes for a strange opening. Then the editor seemed to have an itchy finger, so many camera angles at times it was almost dizzying, i nearly had to report being lightheaded again! Martin Jarvis played his part well, Bill Champion’s interpretation is still the best. Then some of the accents from the other actors were a touch American. Still a favourite of mine but no where near as good as seeing it in the flesh in a small auditorium such as at Scarborough or The Old Laundry.

0 locks, 5.51 miles, 2 winds, 1 walk into town, 3 boxes wine, 3 boxes bravecto, 1 banana mountain, 1 new pair jeans, 2 bags brown rice flour, 1 bag plain flour, 0 test, 1 slightly disappointing show, 1 show still word perfect.
Interested in your Covid test experience. I had something similar having reported a sore throat recently. For three days there were no home test and I can’t drive to a centre. As usual, it all seems half-hearted and badly thought through. Later saw some testing being done on the news and it looked painful so in the end I was quite glad not to do it!
I saw a test being done too. It does look painful.
It beggars belief really. My daughter used the link for me on her phone earlier, it took her to the ‘book a test’ link only. Same scenario. Got a code texted but need a car. I guess we’re in the ‘dispensable’ category ?