Lockdown Mooring 4A
A slow start to the morning, we hadn’t quite finished breakfast by the time the Geraghty Zoom got started. Lovely as ever to see everyone. Today we had walks in the park and balancing things on heads.
Tilly was called to come in so that we could go on the egg walk together, but she ignored me for a good ten minutes so I set off on my own.

Coming into the bottom lock was a boat. The chap with windlass in hand shouted instructions to the lady at the helm, ‘Not that way!’ The boat biffed one side then did the diagonal ricochet to the other before juddering into the lock. I’m not saying I’d have done any better, but I think I’d have said something to Mick if he’d then followed on by saying ‘Perfect!’
I checked out the reservoir egg seller first, no table of eggs today, so then carried on to do a circuit of the reservoir before heading to the egg farm via the post box. Tilly had returned home so Mick walked up to join me.

Sadly there were no duck eggs today, so we filled our egg box with half a dozen hens eggs and left our money in the tin. We’ll keep coming up to check for ducks eggs and then celebrate with a cooked breakfast.
With the weather being so nice today, and the temperature about to change, we considered having a barbecue. Now, if we were sat in the garden at our house we wouldn’t even think about it, we’d most probably have had several over the last few weeks. But if we went to a town park and had one we’d be moved on by the police and footage would be on that nights TV. Here on the towpath we are sort of in between.

The towpath is good and wide here, at least 7m wide. So no problem with social distancing. But would it be fare to those walking/running/cycling past who might live in flats. One rule for one etc. We decided that if the moorings remained empty with just us then we’d tuck ourselves down the slight bank by the opening for the field.

A long catch up chat with my brother meant that the turkey steaks didn’t get quite as long marinading as I’d have liked, but more importantly that the sun had gone in! Mick set up our chairs, the stools and plank table and the barbecue down by the gap. The wind of course changed direction so everything had to be moved round so that we wouldn’t be sat in the smoke.
It made for quite a cosy little spot and due to the cloud cover there weren’t so many passersby. We only had one longing comment from a cyclist.

Veg kebabs drizzled in a bread dipper from Charlie and Ivy’s accompanied the turkey steaks. Then because we were celebrating two bananas with chocolate wrapped in foil were added to bake away for pudding. They could have done with a few more minutes but once the foil was unwrapped they were past the point of going back on for longer.

The skies looked even darker and rumbles of thunder could be heard so we quickly packed up. Tilly made use of the shorebased facilities, then was scooped up, fed and then retired to bed.

A lovely evening sat out of the way, just a shame the sun didn’t hang around and that the wheelie shoppers didn’t pass by.
0 locks, 0 miles, 0 newspaper, 0 duck eggs, 0 reservoir eggs, 6 standard hens eggs, 1 zoomy zoom, 1 st May card, 1 banjo boy, 1 composite pair of glasses, 1 long chat, 1 good email, 0 neighbours, 2 turkey steaks, 3 kebabs, 2 bananas, 10 blocks milk chocolate, 2 highballs of wine, 0 sun! 0 PPe bird for days now.