Category Archives: River Soar

Paintings On The Walls. 11th January

Castle Gardens Moorings to Watermead Country Park

Yesterday we couldn’t sum up the effort to walk over the river to go to Tescos for a top up shop, so we went this morning. Mostly fresh veg and fruit was needed along with a few other bits and bobs so that we can keep the freezer full in case we get stuck somewhere.

One less Bessie today

With the shopping stowed we pushed off, winding managing to avoid the numerous swans that loiter for white sliced. The pontoon at Friars Mill could well have been noisier than Castle Gardens this morning as work is still on going with new buildings going up right along the river bank, we just had to contend with drunkards last night.

Frog Island

The frog graffiti is still on the walls as you round the bend to avoid the weir before Frog Island. When we passed through April before last there was a mass of very good graffiti along all the walls leading to North Lock. Most of these have now been covered with smart elaborate tags, very colourful, but I preferred the old Indian chap with turban and huge white moustache.

By Nottingham born BoasterBy Joto Foto (I think)

A cartoony old man with round glasses (Boaster) and a young lady looking on disapprovingly (Joto Foto) sing out from all the tags.

New pontoons

On social media we’d heard rumours that another pontoon had been installed in Leicester. As we approached Limekiln Lock the end dolphin showed itself. A long pontoon stretches down into the arm which once seemed full of rubbish. A Leicester College building stands to one side at the end of the arm along with a modern carpark. We couldn’t see any mooring signs suggesting how long you can moor there for and without going to have a look we couldn’t see if they were secure. Maybe they are for visitors or permanent moorers, we’ll be interested to find out as stopping here would mean we’d be nearer to the National Space Centre and the Abbey Pumping Station Museum that we’d like to visit someday.

New houses reminiscent of brick factories

New buildings are going up around Wolsey Island, modern houses and a very large block of apartments are progressing well. This side of the city is certainly having some money spent on it. Maybe this will mean there is less rubbish in the river in years to come!

Belgrave Lock looked like the lumberjacks had been around. Large branches needed to be encouraged to move out of the way of the gates and a large log prohibited me from being able to open one of the gates. There have been a lot of trees and logs floating about. In locks like this it’s hard to get them out as the sides are so high, so we had to leave them for someone else.

At Loughborough Road Bridge there is a new culvert this will be used to help flood water flow past the bridge and the surrounding land has been lowered to give more storage for water. Running through the culvert is a new cycle path leading out of the city.

Birstall Lock bottom gates were exceptionally heavy today. I normally can bump gates to get them to close, but this one was obstinate. I got it to move a couple of feet, then would it shift, would it heck as like. Mick was just about to come and help when I managed to commandeer a chap who was planning on walking straight by with his girlfriend. It was still very heavy with two of us but we got it to move in the end.

Coming into Thurmaston Lock

Thurmaston Lock was our last for the day and we made our way along the straight towards the Hope and Anchor stopping short of the bridge to give Tilly a better mooring. Today is the first time we’ve done this stretch without it snowing. Usually there have been clouds of fairies or blossom wafting through the air, but today unless it snows overnight it is decidedly brown.

No snow today. Well, not yet!

Trees, plenty of friendly cover to keep me busy and a later curfew time today. I wonder if this is a bit like a curlew but is rarer, it certainly feels that way to me. This outside has a handy fence for me to stand on above the friendly cover, giving me a better vantage point and greater pouncability. Just a shame there are lots of people on bikes and woofers, but they didn’t seem to see me up on the fence.

I thought I should mention that there will be a couple of Myth Busting Workshops on Composting Toilets next month in the London area, similar to the one we went to in Banbury. If anyone is interested click the link (Link) which will take you to the Eventbrite website where you can reserve yourself a place, the workshops are free.

DSCF7114sm5 locks, 5.97 miles, 1 wind, 1 chicken, 2 carrots, 2 parsnips, 1 broken camera, 51 swans, 4 branches, 6 logs, 1 stubborn gate, 0 pipe bridge, £99 deposit, 0 canoes, 1 cyclepath, A46, 1 elevated pouncing perch, 2 noisy crows, 1 friend, 15 minutes longer, 1 cat picked up squirming to return to the boat, 1 secret passage, 1 determined cat.

I wonder where we’ll be getting our newspaper from tomorrow?

Slow Boat To Leicester. 10th January

Ross Bridge to Castle Gardens Moorings, Leicester

The alarm goes off earlier each morning and each morning it is darker outside. Today we had quite a bit of cruising to do. According to Waterway Routes and Canal Plan it would take us 5.5 hours to reach the centre of Leicester, no need to arrive in plenty of time for shore leave as Tilly wouldn’t be allowed out anyway, but we still needed to get a move on.

Kilby Bridge we pulled in to top up with water and dispose of rubbish, it didn’t take long before we could push off again.

Every canal lock would be set against us today, but we did manage to have some help at some. As I was setting Double Rail Lock, three frisky horses charged across the fields to come and gongoozle. They were very lively and although not afraid of horses I was cautious due to being next to a 7ft 7” drop (the off side of the lock is the field). They seemed to have lost interest until I crossed back over the gates to lift a paddle, a head rub was all I had to give them, no spare carrots or apples, but they seemed happy with that and moved away.

New laddersDifferent gongoozlers today

Level low

Below Ervin’s Lock the level was low, down by about two foot. I decided to risk getting  back on board and hoped that there would be enough depth at the next lock to get off. It was a slow pootle but we managed it, no need to call C&RT out.

Dance floor, cake, all mod consSwankey gardensPeople have been doing a lot of work to their gardens along this stretch. Lots of fancy garden rooms, bars, seating areas, we don’t remember them from two years ago. The next pound looked fine so we hoped the levels would be okay until we reached the river sections.

Paddles up

Dunn’s Lock came into view, there was a figure leaning against a beam and paddles were lifted, at both ends of the lock. Either someone was maliciously emptying the canal responsibly ( the gates were closed) or there were problems below with depth. The chap had a C&RT beanie hat on and said that they had a couple of boats stuck lower down so he was sending water to them. He thought they were almost there, another five minutes and he’d give them a call. We tied up and waited. I started to heat up some soup I’d made last night for us to have on the go when Mick said the lock was being filled for us. The chap walked down to the next lock to set it for us and we were on our way again.

Carrot, parsnip and chicken soupWork boat 1On our way to Gee’s Lock I managed to get the soup up to a suitable temperature and into our insulated mugs, today we’d have to keep moving if we had a chance of reach Leicester in the light, no lunch break. The lock came into view and this was where we met the first of the boats that had been stuck. A C&RT tug and hopper boat were tied up above the lock, blocking the entrance and below a C&RT crane boat was doing it’s best to leave the lock. We helped close gates and fill the lock whilst chatting to the chap driving the tug. The lack of dredging along this section and the very low reserves in the reservoirs make it almost impossible for them to manoeuvre their work boats. The weight of the crane boat means that it is just ploughing it’s way along the bottom and any weight added to the hoppers means they drag too. They had spent all morning doing only two locks and using up a lot of water in the process.

First one overtaken

With the tug and hopper out of the way we made our own way down the lock and followed to Blue Banks Lock. Here the tug had been left in gear just through a bridge and two chaps had just about finished filling the lock, they waved us to pass. The force from the tugs prop sent us all over the shop, it took a lot to keep Oleanna from avoiding hitting the bridge, then avoiding the offside vegetation, then to straighten up and not hit the hopper side on. By the time we were back under control the gates were being opened for us. They worked us through and warned us that we’d be meeting the crane boat soon, it was likely to get stuck at Soar Valley Way Bridges.

S L O W L E Y    S L O W L E Y

You could tell the bottom of the canal was being dragged, all the rotting leaves were surfacing and the water had turned almost black. We soon caught up with the crane and went into neutral. He saw us and suggested that we should pass on the off side. We looked, the vegetation team certainly hadn’t been along this stretch and we certainly were not going to drag Oleanna through the trees. So we carried on following very very s l o w e l y….. The bridge wasn’t a problem and maybe that is where we should have passed. A short distance on the crane got stuck, try and try again, reverse, try again, reverse again until he got moving.

2nd one overtaken

The next wider section he managed to pull in towards the offside leaving enough room for us to pass. We offered him a tow but he declined!

King's Lock and cottage

Kings Lock. The Lock cottage has just recently had a new coat of paint, well all of it except the chimney stacks. A chap was replacing the fence along the front. Ade and Lou who built the set for Aladdin saved this cottage some 40 years ago when a fire had almost destroyed it. They put in an Elm fence and Ade’s youngest brother was forced up onto the roof with no scaffold or any form of safety to paint the chimney stacks (most probably the last time they were done).


We were now in front of the slow work boats and could up our speed. Once down Kings Lock we were joined by the River Soar enabling us to go a little bit quicker with more water underneath us. The next two locks were sat waiting, top gates open. The gasometer before St Mary’s Mill Lock has vanished. I used to be fixated with it’s staircases to nowhere, but now they are nowhere to be seen just hardcore where it once stood.

Freeman’s Meadow Lock needed filling which meant I got to stop the water going over the large weir for a few minutes. Then it was straight on into the centre of Leicester.

Friars Mill moorings

Castle Gardens moorings had a couple of boats on the pontoon, but we carried on under West Bridge to see if there would be space on the new pontoon at Friars Mill. Sadly there were three boats already moored here. If a touch more thought had been put into how they’d tied up then we’d possibly have fitted on the end, but the dolphins being on the outside doesn’t help with nudging up to each other. We winded and made our way back to Castle Gardens. Here we pulled back towards the other boats to be away from the footbridge and the amount of duck poo on the pontoon, all tied up just before sunset.

12 locks, 8.85 miles, 2ft down, 3 C&RT chaps, 1 crane, 1 tug, 1 very slow afternoon, 2 mugs of soup, 1 cottage, 1st river, 1 big space, 3 smaller spaces, 1 wind, 1 yapping woofer, 0 shore leave, 73 swans, 1 pants outside.