Holland’s Bridge

Tilly had the right idea this morning. I then had a better one.
To help use up some yoghurt I hunted out a recipe for some pancakes. It sounded good, light fluffy pancakes made with yoghurt, eggs and gf flour. I added in some blueberries too. They were nice, but I wouldn’t say they puffed up that much to be classed as fluffy though.

More sock editing, by the end of the day I’d managed to get half way through the photos, reducing the space they use up to about a fifth. I’ve also added a page to start showing off the socks I’ve knitted. This will gradually get added to, as and when I have the time.

I considered walking into Macclesfield to have a look round, but that would have meant a walk down a hill, to then walk up a hill, then the same on the return. My left knee suggested that my time would be better spent editing photos instead.
Quite a few boats have come past today, plenty of hire boats doing the Cheshire Ring, all bundled up to keep warm.
The ash bucket was moved to the stern of Oleanna for ease of access and the fire lit. Tilly only popped out a couple of times today then she just settled down on the sofa, being cosy. Much better than having an altercation over who the towpath belongs to with another boat cat two bows away. I’m sharing it nicely with them today as you suggested.

Mick’s train journey was a lot easier back from the south coast, this time via London, his final train arriving back into Macclesfield 7 minutes late. He managed to bring back the rain with him and some strong winds that make the nappy pin on the cruiser in front squeak in a really annoying way! I think tomorrow we’ll have to move on.
Left over campfire stew tonight with mashed potato. Just as nice as it was first time.
0 locks, 0 miles,10 more socks edited, 9 added to the blog, 357 photos deleted, 1 stove lit, 1 Mick home, 7 minutes late, 1 handy mini glass dome for model making, 1 rainy evening.