Early Start, Early Finish. 25th June

Footbridge 207A to Hanwell Moorings

YAWN!!! The alarm clock went off at 5am. Today our aim was to get moving before breakfast and work our way up Clitheroe’s and Osterley Locks, then up the Hanwell flight, hoping there would be a space in the longer Three Bridges pound to moor for the rest of the day , all before it got a touch too hot. Cuppas were made, mine in an insulated mug to drink between locks.

5am with the first flight due overhead any moment

The covers were rolled up and we pushed off, just starting the engine before the land was let go so as to wake as few people as possible. We pootled up to the first lock Clitheroe’s, not far away. All empty, so we could go straight in. I started to fill the lock only for Mick to raise a hand. I lowered the paddle, there was a big branch jammed between the bottom gates, it needed removing.

Clitheroe’s Lock

Once cleared, I lifted the paddles and set things in motion again. A couple walking their dogs crossed over the lock chatting as they went. All good with the world on a beautiful sunny morning. Well it was until a few moments later. All of a sudden I got the feeling that a migraine was about to kick in, a blank spot in my vision a tell tale sign.

Once Oleanna was out of the lock and me on board I headed to the drugs cupboard to find suitable pills. This took some time as the box I was looking for was anonymous, it’s hard enough for me to read at this point of a migraine anyway, scanning the shelves with a blank spot in my vision! Pills found, Mick was asked to check they were what I thought before I took any.

Osterley Lock

At Osterley Lock I walked round to operate the paddles, up and over the footbridge rather than across the gates. Once we were up the discission was made to pull in and moor up for the day. The first length of bank near to the bottom of the Hanwell flight we saw we pulled into.

The outside was even trying to get inside out of the hot!

I knew something was up. They’d tied an outside up and then She said I had 12 hours! All before my morning Dingding biscuits!!! Was this a sausage day?

Tilly made use of the cool morning air. I had a snooze, then got up for breakfast. Tilly by the looks of it had done some self catering by the amount of cobwebs on her head. More snoozing whilst Mick went off to check his old flat was still there by The Fox.

Handy white sheets

The temperature rose and we gradually lost what shade we’d started off with. I dug out one of the white sheets we’d bought on the Great Ouse, today it was just hung inside the side hatch to keep the sun out. We all retired in doors for a very lazy warm day.

A fascinating hair do Tilly

Mick chatted to a boat that had been in Teddington Lock with us yesterday, they were setting off up the locks, did we want to join them? Then the other three boats came past at varying times of the day, all a touch warm I suspect. We just stayed in doors.

Late afternoon Tilly ventured out again but not for too long. I managed some knitting but not much else.

Last of the on board chilled medication

Tomorrow we’ll need to do our best on another hot day to catch ourselves up.

2 locks, 1.6 miles, 5am start, 5am first flight, 1 blind spot, 1 early early stop, 4 extra strong pills, 7am start across the way, 12 hours, only 3 taken, 2 hot for cats, 0.75 of a sock knitted, 2 warm to knit at times.


3 thoughts on “Early Start, Early Finish. 25th June

  1. Ade

    Ah not ideal hope your feeling better now pip 4 days later! I’d hope so.
    Was hot earlier in the week.
    Like it 5am though when it’s going to be hot.
    Remember you on the Ouse in the hot weather too.

    1. Pip Post author

      Don’t think we’ll ever forget those really hot days on the Great Ouse.
      Head thankfully has improved.

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