Sykehouse Junction
As we were getting ourselves sorted with a cuppa in bed this morning we both could hear a droning noise. What was it? I went on for ages, then it just stopped. Ahh of course, Exol Pride on a run up to Rotherham! We’ve normally checked Ship Tracker to see where she might be when we’re in the area, then listen in on the VHF radio, but we’d been lax about it. She must have come in off the Ouse last night or early this morning.

Tilly was keen to be out again, we didn’t have any plans to move today, well maybe to the other side of the junction as we wanted to be Billy No Mates. But there wasn’t any need in the end as our neighbours moved off just after we’d had breakfast, so Tilly was awarded another 7 hours to go with her original 1.

My current pair of sockathon socks have been giving me some trouble. I’ve tried several techniques of colour work, but I’ve been over complicating everything. A simpler approach was needed and it now being Thursday and I’d not turned the first heel, I needed to catch up. The next job on the list of boat jobs for me was to give Oleanna a damn good wash, she is filthy as ever after being tied up in Goole for months. But I decided that this should wait until we were closer to a water point, so I got on with knitting, soon frogging back to the toe yet again.

Meanwhile Mick got on with his boat jobs. time to sort the galley tap out. Water off he attempted to remove the ends of the taps to replace the cartridges. One side came off fairly easily, the other one was not going to budge an inch. Good job we’d bought a whole new tap. I emptied the under sink cupboard, the least I could do. A check over the instructions and comparing tap for tap. The new tap seemed to have extra bits compared to the old one. Finesse possibly had left some things off as there is less space under a boats sink than in a house. Mick soon had everything plumbed back in and working again. No river of water running over the worktop anymore.

The amount of space under our galley units is vast, having lifted the inspection hatch under the sink we got to see just how much air there is down there. Quite a few people remove their cupboard plinths and replace them with drawers, useful for tin or bottle storage, maybe an extension to the shed? We could think about this, but as our cupboards are not made from standard kitchen carcases and were made to my requested measurements I think the plinth is part of the main structure and not just clipped on. Further investigation will be done, when Mick isn’t lying on the floor with his head in a cupboard.

Throughout the day I’ve received several emails from a producer I’d worked with on a tour of ‘Bouncers’. He’d been thinning out his store and was wanting to either sell on or give away seven DJs, the costumes from the show, but he couldn’t find any labels with sizes. Could I remember what we’d bought. Well no, it was twelve years ago and all my records are back in the house, if I still have them. I got in touch with my friend Sian who’d done some alterations on them, she made a guess at sizes, but her main comment was ‘Who would want those after how ever many sweaty shows?!’ Finally my phone stopped pinging and the producer went away.
Another job Mick ticked off was installing lights in cupboards. He’s always wanted these, they were on the wish list back in 2012 when we visited Stillwater Narrowboats. Somehow when Finesse built Oleanna the lights dropped off the list. Then they reappeared on Christmas lists. I attempted to buy them but they never arrived. The following year my brother tried again, they never arrived. Mick spotted some in B&M last September, but they had vanished by the time Christmas shopping was being done. So finally he gave up hoping someone would buy them for him and ordered them himself.

One went in The Shed, two in the corner pull out cupboard. I can actually see where everything is in there now! One might have gone in the electrics cupboard. All very good and he’s pleased he now has them.
By the end of the day my sock was progressing well, it’s just taking twice as long to knit as the others I’ve done recently. I was planning on doing a few more pairs similarly, but I may simplify them a touch. There’s more to them than I’m willing to show you right now as that would be unfair on the person they are for.

Another episode of Traitors USA. Well so far it’s the same tasks as the UK first series which is a touch disappointing. But Alan Cummings outfits and his demeanour more than make up for it.
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 big blue boat, 1 The Boat, 1 light in the shed, 2 in the pan drawer, 1 new tap, 8 hours! 1 sock nearly up to the heel, 1 boat still very dirty.
Hi Pip and Mick, what make are the lights you got for the cupboards? I have been thinking of getting some for a while. We had some on Chuffed but they were cheap and not bright enough to be much help. Glad to have another blog to read, only HArnser is out at the moment! Debby
Hi Debby
I rarely buy things from ebay but in this case I couldn’t find such lights anywhere else. The lights are battery powered and chargeable by a USB phone charger. They detect motion and turn on automatically. They come with a stick on magnet so you stick them up somewhere but they are easily removable for charging. They were cheap but they seem to do the job of lighting up dark corners. We have yet to find out about their reliability!
Ebay link
Debby got in first, I was about to ask the same thing. I await updates of fumbling in the dark!
We’ll report on how they are doing in a couple of weeks.
Thanks Mick!