I’ve found time between baking my mince pies and Christmas biscuits to add recipes to the pages section of the blog. Squash and Mushroom Lasagne, Squash,winter herb and butter bean pie. I’ve added them so I can find them again in the future and share them with you.

There is also now an up to date page about my Sockathon 2023 if you are interested. Lots of socks!

Next year I’m thinking of doing something similar to raise funds for Dementia Uk, it’s a charity that can help so many people and I wish I’d known about them twenty plus years ago to help my family with my mum. Whilst knitting this year I’ve been struck by how many people’s lives are affected by dementia.
The webcam is working fine under the pram cover on Oleanna. We had a busy visitor the other night!
Right biscuits need rolling out and baking!
Thats not a visitor, thats a Horror Movie!!!!!
Ha ha! Bet it’s only diddy
Thanks for the recipes; the socks are amazing!