Brownsover Services, North Oxford Canal
Tea in bed with Tilly. What a lovely way to start the day.

After breakfast it was time to make use of still having a car. Last weekend I’d booked myself a covid jab at the nearby walk-in centre in Brownsover. A fifteen minute walk away, but sadly not a good idea with my dodgy calf muscle, so Mick ferried me there in the car.

Two ladies sat waiting for people. I was checked in and asked if I’d like a flu jab at the same time. Yes please was my answer, get it all over and done with. Left arm covid, right arm flu. All done and dusted and back in the car within five minutes. I could have had my covid jab two weeks ago, but decided that that was the last thing I’d be wanting to do on a day off from panto. Thank you NHS for being easy and available anywhere in the country. By the evening my jab was visible on my notes on the NHS app. Hopefully my Doctors surgery will stop pestering me now.
Back to the boat, then Mick returned the car, cycling back picking up some shopping for the next few days from Tescos. I managed to unpack dirty clothes, being close to a water point we’d be making use of the washing machine before leaving.

Much of the day was spent on the sofa with Tilly on my knee. The mooring here looks great for cats, but the proximity of the road has meant feline shore leave has been put on hold much to Tillys disgust!

As tradition has is we sat down in the afternoon and watched an episode of Morse. We may not be in Oxford after panto this year, but two hours of John Thaw is the perfect thing. Having seen every episode before sometime ago I can remember enough about the cases that it doesn’t matter if you fall asleep, but not enough to remember who did the killing.

From walking 3 to 4 miles a day over the last five weeks it was very nice to reduce my step count to a tenth. Not walking also seemed to be helping my calf muscle, although my ankle is a touch swollen. I’ve had a look for a walk in centre to see if it needs any attention other than rest, but the nearest is in Coventry.
Burgers with sweet potato wedges and peas, oh how I’ve missed vegetables. This was followed by catching up on the final of Bake Off. The outcome was as I’d expected.
0 locks, 0 miles, 0 hours working, 2 jabs, 1 limping Pip, 1 car returned, episode 11, 3 on the sofa, 1 well deserved lazy day, 1 sore arm.
Maybe it’s just us but we found the latter stages of bake off to be a bit underwhelming. Maybe they tried to increase the difficulty and reduce the time too much as the final few episodes really didn’t have the wow factor.
Morse (or Lewis or Endeavour) are always good for a watch and especially as a local to look out for where scenes are filmed or usually “you can’t drive down there”
I agree with you on Bake Off, too many mistakes for the final weeks.