Windsor Road Bridge to Cliveden Moorings
Today I turned 7 in human years, that’s 44 in feline years. She said that now I’m 7 that I am mature. She kept saying this most of the day. I don’t think I smell like cheese!

She said that I would be getting a present later on if all went to plan. I tried looking for it, but she said it wasn’t inside.
Last night was meant to be all wild and windy. Tom said that if I went into the outside I might have gotten blown away, but it didn’t sound that bad. It never sounds that bad to me, well not until it starts blowing at my bum, then I’m not happy!

Anyway I think someone needs to write a new version of the song.
Pussy cat Pussy cat where have you been? I’ve been to London to visit the Qu…… OH! Apparently Queen She doesn’t sit on a chair anymore.

Yesterday the outside had been wet but it had picked it’s ideas up this morning as they untied it and let it move away, the sun had come to visit. Only right as it’s my birthday! Did you know that it’s my birthday?

I watched the castle drift by. They caught a water point that was all smelly from a noisy little boat. But apparently it didn’t have the right fitting so they pushed it way and found another. This one was silly stupid as it sprayed water everywhere! Just as much went on the bank as into Oleanna’s tummy. After the summer we’ve had too! She said that it’s impractical for us to have a 7m hose, They’d have to tie the outside up in a very particular way for such a hose to reach.

Tom kept stopping the outside, I had to check he was doing it right. In fact he was just moving the outside down.

He had to have the help of another boat to do this on several occasions. Just look at all those flowers!

Then She and Tom got all excited, my birthday present (did I mention it was my birthday?) was just about in view, we all just had to keep our paws crossed.

It took them a while to tie the outside up. Then She came in and wrote down the numbers, played the magic music and noted three words. Then she gave me the rules. 4 hours with no woofers.

My birthday present was an Island!

I know I couldn’t believe it, A National Trust Island at that! There was one other boat, but they left. We had it all to ourselves, well until another narrowboat tied it up at the other end. I don’t know why they had to do that as it wasn’t being awkward or troublesome. It was just being a nice and peaceful island.

She said she had something secret to do. But after a while we went for a walk, from nearly one end of MY BIRTHDAY ISLAND right to the very end at the other end.


Sideways Trees!! And friendly cover!

She had more to do inside so left me to it, which was fine because She’s not as good at climbing trees as I am!

Tom lit the stove so I could be all cosy and warm. Then after we’d all had our dingding I got a birthday cake!

I’m not fussed about the cake, they can have all that, but the cream cheese topping looks mighty fine!

3 locks, 2 self service, 8.2 miles, 6003.36 miles in total on Oleanna, 7 years old, not 7+ yet, 44 feline years, 1 island present, 4 hours of climbing and pouncing, 1 carrot BIRTHDAY cake, 1 cat who never ever eats human food licking her lips, 1 stove, 1 sunny BIRTHDAY, 1 boating goal achieved, 1 Cliveden Island moored on.

Belated Happy Birthday, Tilly. What a perfect present! We told Monty when he was 7, that he was mature. He is now 10.5 and we are still waiting! Jennie, Chris and Monty (yes I know he is a woofer, but he is a good boy with cats and does not chase them unless they run) xx
Tilly says thank you x
Smudge says happy birthday and she at 7+ is also neither mature or sensible
Have always fancied mooring on one of those islands. Did someone turn up in a boat to charge you?
You pay online, but they are policed by the trip boats from Cliveden. So you might get a rather nice launch pull up alongside. £5 daytime, £10 overnight