Clamping The Slipper. 16th May

The Boathouse

What a quiet day. Three fishermen turned up, I could hear them being disappointed that they’d not all be able to set up on the landing here, but they soon got settled around the basin. I could then hear the heron being disappointed that his favourite spot for fishing was now taken up by on of the chaps, this was followed by a disgruntled swan. We’ll be moving on soon, so all will return to normal.


The doors front and back were opened as soon as I was dressed and Tilly came and went, mostly through the secret gap in the cratch cover, for most of the day.

First job was to glue Mick’s slippers. Mick has alien feet which seem to break slippers very quickly. Supermarket slippers only tend to last around 9 months before they fall to bits. His last pair of sheepskin slippers were replaced twice and then mended by myself a couple of times before the new pair took over at Christmas. The joint between sole and upper was starting to show a possible parting, so some Max Repair Uhu was put to use and then clamps were applied to assist in the setting. Here’s hoping this works for a while!

You will stick!

It was the turn of the bathroom floor to get a good scrub. Everything lifted from the floor, including the 30 litres of wood cat litter. Tilly’s numerous balls tend to hide behind her pooh box were found and moved elsewhere, then the floor was given a good scrub and a wash down. Now all we have to do is levitate and not molt!


I set about working on a little project. Model making things were retrieved from deep inside the dinette, reference photos printed out to a useful size. Then I started drawing out numerous circles, cutting them out and threading them onto cocktail sticks. I’m not going to say what they are for just yet, but I’ll give you little teasers in photos.

Circles stuck together

Mick arrived back late afternoon with two tins of sweetcorn and a parcel I’d had sent to Scarborough. Sadly the parcel only contained half of my order, so only half of Mick’s birthday present! Oh well that just means his birthday will have to be extended a touch.

0 locks, 0 miles, 2 more trains, 2 buses to avoid the rain, 6 months, 2 tins sweetcorn, 1 spotless bathroom floor, 12 paw prints! 9 hours of open doors, 0.5 of an order, 1 project started, 26 circles, 1 cake decision to be made, 4 clamps, 24 hours to cure.