Goole Boat House Marina
On leaving Oleanna last Sunday we omitted to do one thing.
The electrics were turned off, the gas turned off in the gas locker, all the water taps left open with the shower head laying in the shower tray in case of freezing weather conditions. These are all good. But neither of us had turned off the stop cock from the water tank, this was bad. Sure the water pump was off, but having just filled the water tank to the top the level of this was now higher than the shower head and there was the possibility a syphon effect could happen emptying all that water into the shower tray, then into the rest of the boat if left all week!

So Monday morning Mick returned the hire car, then cycled to Seamer Station where he got a train down to Goole. It was just as well as overnight a good centimetre of water had made its way into the shower tray. Whilst onboard Mick did a couple of other jobs, like a bunged up bathroom sink before heading back to Scarborough.

Gradually through the week more and more things were put away, bedding ironed, windows cleaned, kitchen utensils rationalised.

Every day for a week Tilly has been getting white powder from her happy pills added to her evening ding ding with the hope that she would mellow out ready for her car journey today. Last year the vet gave us these pills saying they should help. Well last year she had a bit of a wobble which we thought was down to the Happy Pills, but we now think she doesn’t react well to her wormer pill. As the week has gone on, instead of being more and more chilled she seems to have become a bit more lively!

Last weekend we had a reasonable sized hire car, we hoped for the same this time despite only paying for the smallest car they have. Well luck was not on our side as we got a diddy car. Would it be big enough to get the remainder of our possessions back to Oleanna?
Mick did his best but it soon became obvious that two trips would be needed. He headed off leaving Tilly and myself to carry on cleaning and packing.

I knew exactly what was going on. Removing all the good thinks and removing any signs that I exist! Squeaky clean, unlike my mice toys. Today She told me it was my turn to start packing as She picked up my dingding bowls and didn’t put them back down!
Frank arrived with a chair he’d very kindly mended for us and stayed for a swift cuppa before I had to carry on cleaning. By 3pm there was still the last things to sort, empty the bins, programme the heating, last load of washing dried and put away, we also had one very hungry cat. The remainder of the jobs could be done in the morning when Mick returned the hire car.

The final thing to pack was Tilly, she was very aware of this and was determined to up our step count around the kitchen before I managed to rugby tackle her. Then there was a big fight trying to pop her in the cat carrier, so much for a stress free journey! In the end we had to turn the carrier on its end and lower her inside, the puppy pad all scrunched up at one end and any aroma from the Pet Remedy spray pointless.
In the past Tilly has been placed in the back of the car, but today we had a different approach. Her carrier was put on the back seat and I sat next to her. Hopefully my presence and the occasional chin rub would help calm the situation. We managed to get beyond Staxton Hill before needing to find somewhere with a bin to pull over. One other stop at Driffield was needed. Then thankfully she started to calm down. Maybe it was the fresh puppy pad with pet remedy or a constant ear or chin rub that did it, but by the time we reached Goole I was starting to be quite proud of her.

Tilly was first onto Oleanna, her water bowl filled up and a scoop of biscuits added to a bowl. She did head straight for the ‘Feed Me’ shelf but I wanted to make sure her tummy had settled down before giving her too much to eat.
Lots of unpacking and stowing of things whilst Mick went to do a small shop to keep us going for a few days. Our habits have changed slightly this winter so we now find ourselves with a few too many beverages. Kitchen utensils were rationalised and bits and bobs collected together to be returned to the house tomorrow.

Then finally we sat down. A tofu and purple sprouting broccoli stir fry, courtesy of our last organic veg box, and a glass of wine.
It’s good to be back on board.
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 last veg box, 7 happy pills, 1 clean and tidy house, 0 last walk by the sea, 2 car loads, 2 stops, 1 slightly calmer Tilly, 1 cat happy to be back afloat, 2 boaters trying to find places for everything!
Good to see you home on Oleanna again.
Thanks Ade, it’s good to be back