Uxbridge Lock to below Lock 89
Sainsburys delivery arrived, the driver phoning to say he was here. He was more concerned about getting a parking ticket than delivering our shopping. Most of Uxbridge seems to protect itself from people parking for free. But no matter what we said to this chap about the cameras being out of action he was still concerned, making us take a photo of his number plate.

Our shopping was decanted from the crates into our bags then stowed back on board. The wine cellar is looking healthy again!

We moved things around inside the boat in anticipation of the arrival of the washing machine engineer. This time we moved the mattress onto the sofa, making for an interesting view out of the window for Tilly. The bow was tidied for easier access and then the washing machine was pulled out ready.

Then we waited, and waited. Our appointment was between 9 and 12, we’d hoped to be the first visit on the chaps books, but that wasn’t the case.

We waited and waited.
Then a phone call, he was nearly with us. With the diagnostics already done by both the last engineer and Mick (replacing the first circuit board) the chap got straight on with replacing the second board, the less accessible board. Water was then reconnected to the machine, it all looked good so far. Lights, water and ……

I got a phone call from the bedroom, could I bring a towel that didn’t matter. Oh heck!
The machine had filled with water, but now wasn’t draining. Our anchor chain bucket was positioned under the machine collecting the worst of the water, but some had escaped! I closed the door so as to keep the second mate from poking her paw in.
Next thing I knew the engineer had left. Had he condemned the machine, or mended it?

Tuppence. A tuppence had been blocking the outflow pipe (2p piece but it doesn’t sound as good), once removed all was working as it should. Hooray!!!! It had taken a while to get fixed, but we reckon it has saved us about £100 on getting a new one, saved us the heavy job of getting the old one out of the boat and a new one in, and saved a perfectly good machine (apart from a circuit board) going to a tip, therefore doing our bit for the planet.

So what to wash first? T-shirts!

We had lunch with the engine running. Next we needed to fill the diesel tank. Mick had called Uxbridge Boat Centre this morning and yes they sold diesel, we’d seen the pump before, but it not being the most accessible pump we’ve always discounted it. We pulled in alongside a weedcutter and the crane. ‘Fill her up’ 117 litres later and at a cheaper price than we’d have paid half a mile back Oleanna had a full tank again.

Next water, the second load of washing was already in the machine. I gave it a once over for them as it may have required a bit of feline attention before they over worked it. All fine, well except it seems to have grown a touch, I don’t think the cupboard door will go back on!

The water point above Cowley Lock looked busy. We passed The Piano Boat, Rachmaninov returning to base after it’s launch events at the Canal Museum. Then we joined the queue our water tank emptying all the time with the washing machine going. With the tap at Denham Marina locked off to boaters at the moment this tap will get more use. We emptied the yellow water, disposed of rubbish and then filled with water, after which we dropped down the lock and found ourselves a mooring where Tilly could head off to explore.

A third load of washing maybe was one too many. With big black clouds overhead the whirligig wasn’t going to be a good choice, so it was hangers in the pram cover and the airer with bedding in the bathroom. But where to put the towels? In the end the whirligig went up and fortunately no rain came down.

1 lock, 1.65 miles, 1 wine cellar full, 1 beer rack full, 1 washer/drier mended, 1 full diesel tank, 1 full water tank, 1 empty wee tank, 0 rubbish on board, 1 new greaser, 1 bathroom shelving reorganised, 3 loads washing, 1 final inspection, 1 cupboard door behind the sofa, 2 happy clean boaters.
Did you see the building of Rachmaninov on My Floating Home (channel 4) a few weeks ago? An awful lot of life savings have gone into so really hope they make a success of it.
On another note (pun intended), Bandit had another procedure yesterday and is now restricted to a pen to stop him running around like a loonbag! His tail stub was not doing well hence the intervention. Fingers crossed it works!
We did see it. I’ve been following them for a while on Facebook.
We have fingers and paws crossed for Bandit to make a speedy and successful recovery. Tilly says he should be hand fed Dreamies whilst he lies in bed.