The walk up to the breach site and cofferdam took us past fields of Alpacas.

At one end of the farm a huge log cabin is being constructed, some of the logs a couple of feet in diameter. Is this going to be a house, alpaca shelter or an activity centre of some sort? Whatever it looks interesting.

Passing the lines of fishermen we could see up to the cofferdam. The pumps working hard to keep the levels up towards the docks.

On the other side of New Bridge we could see more.

A digger was balancing on top of a mound of aggregate picking up twisted and rusted short lengths of piling which once used to hold the water in the canal. A standard pickup was being loaded with it to remove it from site.

Several high-vis people stood on the concrete section above the drain. A digger down in the cofferdam, from here we couldn’t see what it had been doing.

A section of piling has been removed over the drain revealing the concrete behind it. For a while it looked like old piling had been revealed along the north bank, but looking back at Mark’s photos this isn’t the case. The piling on this stretch looks dinted and old.

Has piling been removed from the south bank, there are a couple of lengths which are back to concrete and concrete sandbags making up the bank. Looking back at Mark’s photos from before the cofferdam was fully drained this section has always looked like this, no piling.

On the track leading to the site long lengths of new piling lie waiting to be used and more water pipes are stacked up.

We decided to walk over the bridge to see what we could see from the other side. Here numerous large generators were whirring away. Wonder how often the diesel needs topping up and how much that is costing just to keep the water flowing before you add into it the repair?

Looking back into the cofferdam we could now see where the digger had been working. The bank here has had the piling removed and from behind it earth has either fallen or is being dug out. This is roughly where the big hole has been in view for some time.

Our Final Trip Back, 6th May
Thursday was a very early start. Mick picked up yet another hire car. Companies in Goole hadn’t had any vehicles available so Mick was on a bus to be at the Enterprise Office in Selby for 8am. Back for breakfast, then we crossed back over the Wolds towards Scarborough.

Mick had a dentist appointment this morning. I sat waiting in the car managing to do a row on my crochet blanket. I’ve been managing a colour an evening in front of the TV and at the moment it’s not too big to have on a journey.
Next we headed for the house. It’s strange arriving at your home and ringing the door bell before going in. Bill was at rehearsals but Alex was at home. There were a couple of things we needed from inside, including some post. Our new National Trust cards had arrived a month ago and been put in the filing tray which had gone into the shed.

We stood on opposite sides of the living room, 3m between us and had a quick catch up with Alex, whom I think I last saw about 9 years ago. Rehearsals are going well and apparently our house and kitchen are ideal for the show. The set is two houses side to side, like ours. The kitchen layout very similar, so Alex was busy rehearsing the first scenes where there is a lot of kitchen business, trying to get the moves into muscle memory.
Whilst we were there the postman arrived with a new bank card for me. We found our National Trust cards and picked up the boat plants, Thyme parsley and the ailing Christmas tree, I’m hoping it will perk back up on the boat. A short visit at distance. If the NT cards are all we’d forgotten I’d be amazed.

Next, time to pick up a couple of things from Dunelm, a saute pan with lid required for boat life and a new lasagne dish as the old one split in two the other day. After a spot of lunch we drove up to Scarborough Hospital for my appointment of the day, a routine Mammogram.
As I checked in there were no temperature checks as there had been when I visited York Hospital in December, no questions regarding covid other than if I’d had a vaccine. To which the answer was yes, I gave the lady the date, then I was asked which arm I’d had it in. Interesting, would this have a baring on my photos?
My appointment was very swift and I was out waiting for Mick to pick me up in about fifteen minutes.

One last drive by the sea before we left. Poor Freddie sat on his bench, his body language matched the sleet falling from the big black clouds. On our last Sunday walk in Scarborough I’d intended for us to stop at the Harbour Bar and have some chilled medication, but as things have worked out we didn’t manage a last Sunday walk. We’ll just have to do it when we visit next time, maybe the weather then will have warmed up a touch.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 digger, 8 pumps? 1 fallen bank, 63 alpacas, 1 tree cabin, 1 more hire car, 1 row, 1 dentist, 3 plants, 1 rehearsal kitchen, 3 cards, 1 negative, 4 boob squashed photos, 1 pan, 1 lid, 1 dish, 1 last look at the sea for a while, 4 soggy donkeys, 1 bored cat, 1 knitting stash stashed away again.
From the photos of the breach site and thinking about the pumps with their use of generators to keep them running I can’t help thinking how much simpler it would be to have pipes fitted to the dams at each end to allow water to pass without pumping.
I don’t think pipes alone would supply the docks with enough water, or there would have to be so many of them which would end up restricting where they could work in the cofferdam. The level to the west is also being kept lower than to the east, so the water would end up flowing the wrong way.
The other day there must have been a few ship movements in the docks as the level dropped by a good 18inches. It took a couple of days for the levels to return.