Slow Progress, Breach 32. 16th March

This morning we woke to an update regarding the breach from C&RT.

Update on 16/03/2021:

The downstream seal of the cofferdam has been fixed temporarily with downstream water levels stabilising. A robust fix is currently being implemented to secure the seal.

Dewatering of the cofferdam is now programmed for week commencing 22nd March with breach investigations to follow.


Mark went back to the site yesterday. Plenty of vehicles about the place and a delivery of diesel for the generators looked like it was happening.

15-3-21 Wonder when the crops will start to show themselves

Some of the new pumps look like they might be adding to the water levels.

The level on the downstream end is certainly higher. It is helping to keep the cofferdam topped up again too.


It may be possible to raise the piling here to help keep the water out of the breach along with keeping the levels higher towards the docks.

Obviously water is still draining out of the cofferdam into the drain below.


This photo I find the most interesting. Just above the blue tarpaulin, on the left hand side, is the hole in the grass that has been visible from early on. This at one time had been filled with aggregate. But working left from here, along the piling edge, it looks like there are three more holes as the canal widens out.

It’s been almost three months since the breach happened. Here’s hoping that the cofferdam does get drained next week and that there are no more hold ups. Then the engineers will be able to assess what will be needed for a permanent fix.

Thank you for the comments about our move. It does seem that other peoples blog rolls are not showing our latest posts though and at the moment I’m having difficulty seeing statistics regarding views, maybe I’m just looking in the wrong place. You know how I like numbers!

Thank you Mark for the photos again and thank you Mick for sorting the blog.

9 thoughts on “Slow Progress, Breach 32. 16th March

    1. Mick Post author

      Hi Dave,
      Thanks for the feedback. I hadn’t looked at permalinks. Now ammended.


  1. jennie230

    Hi Pip, I am still getting email updates and have amended my blog list, so can now see your new blog in my blog feed. Jennie

  2. Ex Mr Blue Sky

    Hi Pip and Mick,
    We are seeing things fine and following progress with interest. We just wish that progress was faster for you. It must be frustrating for you as summer approaches. We think you are very patient.

    Hugs from us in NZ. Clare and Graeme

    1. Pip Post author

      Thank you Clare and Graeme. We are trying to stay positive, but there will be a time when our patience will run thin.
      Hope all is going okay with you guys and hoping that Graeme recovers from his op quickly.
      Pip x

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