Appointment Logistics. 17th 18th April

Bollington Underpass

Good morning

We’ve nearly had some spring weather the last couple of days. Waking early with the sun streaming in through the gap in the curtains, left by someone overnight!

Tilly doing her John Travolta impression

Thursdays sunrise was accompanied by frost on the towpath and fog clinging to the canal, well worth waking up for. Thankfully the stove was in so a quick jostle of the coals and opening up of the air vents brought it back to a blazing glory. By midday however I’d wished I’d let it go out, the sunshine warming up the boat nicely. The vents were closed down, into night time mode, just enough to keep it going until later on.

Tilly came and went. When the towpath has been busy she’s sat on a locker at the stern and watched people and woofers pass by. On one occasion I went to fill the coal skuttle very interesting, She needed supervising and a golden lab came running from as far as I could see straight for Oleanna. I suggested Tilly should take to the roof or go inside She jostled me under the pram cover, closing me in! How rude! The dog walker was adamant that his dog had stolen the tennis balls from our mooring spikes a week ago and that his dog remembered us. Well I think his woofer may have thought that at first, but rushing back and forth sniffing the air He could smell my sweet aroma!


The embankment has been good when there’s been no hard rain. Shore based facilities have been sorted, trees, plenty of friendly cover to keep me busy for hours. Just a touch muddy under paw. This one needs another stamp of approval!

Look at those sunny colours

Inside I’ve been resting my swollen foot, my back and blowing my nose! Socks have been processed, packaged up with postage labels paid for, ready for the next post box we pass. Then it was time to do some sewing on Mick’s slippers.

Not the prettiest of stiching but hopefully it will last a while longer

I had to hunt out the strong thread I’d bought for mending the boat covers, a leather needle and my leather thimble so that I didn’t end up puncturing my own flesh too often. The front of the toe was stitched round, then more glue applied underneath it from the top, left to dry and then pressed firm to make it stick. I was going to leave it overnight but decided that maybe I was just putting off the awkward sewing, so got on with the job in hand. Not the prettiest of sewing ever, but it is far FAR better than it was before. Hopefully this will last a good while before it wears out.

Big waves

Boats have come past, including the lady who tied to a fence post back on the Calder and Hebble a few weeks back. I can’t remember if she was coming over the Huddersfield or Rochdale, I suspect the later as she was hot on the tail of another narrowboat. A rib also came past at what seemed to be a reasonable speed. However the wake they left behind was way over the banks, I just had to hope Tilly wasn’t stood on a gunnel.

Up in Scarborough Mick had seen a nurse at the doctors. He’d found a piece of board to put over a cracked floor board on the quarter landing, stopping you thinking you were about to go through the floor. Lots of washing, hoovering. The oven isn’t quite a shiney as it had been, but neither is the boats!

Oopps how did they end up on my plate?!

The appointment for an engineer to upgrade the boiler at the house had been for all day, then that was narrowed down to the afternoon. But when the afternoon came there was a phone call from the office saying that they’d been called to an emergency! An new appointment could be made anytime from next Monday. All fine for most people, except we’ll be further away by then and someone else living in the house who cannot be asked to hang around for an engineer to turn up as they’ll be at work. Some thought on this was needed for another trip back to the house.

Votes added to the pile of post

We’d been hoping that our postal vote for the Mayor of North Yorkshire and York would have arrived in time for Mick to pick them up. Thankfully after a visit to the dentist Thursday monrning, Mick still had a few things left to do at the house and was there when the post arrived, which included our postal votes. These are now crossed, signed and put in envelope B ready for posting. Also in the post was an invite for Mick to attend Scarborough Hospital for a routine screening. Would we be able to get an appointment for the boiler on the same day? Would he be able to get to the hospital for his appointment without an overnight stay? No-one was answering the phones to see if this could be arranged. Will we ever be free from medical appointments this year? I’ve just booked visits to my dentist too which require us to be near to a station! Oh all the logistics are getting far too complicated.

Come out and play!

Sadly no exploring for me, resting my back and foot seems to have worked though as both have improved greatly. Hopefully if we come back this way later in the year we’ll get chance to visit places I’ve missed this time.

0 locks, 0 miles, 4 buses, 3 trams, 4 trains, 1 slipper, 2 sausage days, 9 Hours! 4 parcels, 2 crosses, 1 house ready, 2 boaters ready to move onwards.