Weeden Bec
Another early start, but today it wouldn’t be accompanied by a sunrise, today we’d be joining the M1 to head northwards again to Scarborough. Tilly’s magic food bowl was primed with two meals, we hoped we’d be back before the second compartment opened but there was a chance we’d be late. A promise was made that it would only be one BIG sleep and not two before we’d be back inside.
With bags packed, Mick lifted the bow tyre fender and pulled Oleanna closer to the bank for me to get off, Blimey it’s s big step. Then it was time to slowly make my way down the 47 steps to the graveyard, sideways. There’s a handy village car park under one of the arches of the viaduct. Weeden Bec is handily close to the M1 so it wasn’t too long before we joined the northbound traffic.
Our plans for the rest of the summer were discussed and those leading into winter. It all depends a touch on my knee and what the outcome will be. We could make our way back to Yorkshire sooner rather than later. We have lodgers in the house for quite some time and may have more for the Christmas show, but being closer to Scarborough for appointments would make things cheaper. But that would have us hanging around, waiting! At the moment we don’t know what we’d be waiting for or how long. After discussions we decided to continue with our planned route, but to have a back up plan on hand should we need one.
The north west will be our destination. When the time comes to head back to Scarborough we decided that the only sensible route would be to return via the Trent. Currently two out of the three Pennine crossings are closed leaving only the Leeds Liverpool open, at the moment! The Trent is a quick route north even if we’d have to do a big loop to the south to get to it.

A comfort break at Doncaster services, then over the top of the Wolds. Ten years ago we cruised into York on NB Lillyanne, today we crossed the border into North Yorkshire in a car, both journeys apt on Yorkshire Day.
Our lodgers last week had left the house very clean and tidy, our current lodger was already at work, very busy teching ‘Brassed Off’ that has come from Keswick. The washing machine went straight on, the ironing board set up.
Finally today we were going to be getting smart meters for gas and electric. In the past we’ve been told that this wouldn’t be possible as we have two gas meters on the same account. The engineer arrived and set about his work. Electric first with a double hub, one for each side of the house, the chap hadn’t fitted one of these before. As soon as the power was back on another load of washing went in the machine, tumble dryer drying bed linen ready for ironing.

Mick sorted out our deposits into the compost bins and then had a hack away at the overgrown back garden, some of which was added to the compost bins to help keep the mixture right. Grass was cut, a small attempt to make the gardens look better, we really must get someone to keep them in check!
A letter had arrived with a date for my knee x-ray at Scarborough Hospital, in 5 weeks time. I’d noticed on my NHS app that there was a possibility of being able to walk into York Hospital without an appointment. A call to the GP, Scarborough Hospital then the GP again, I had the referral emailed to me. Next job was to get it printed out, a mission for the IT department with our antiquated hardware in the house.
During the afternoon a C&RT stoppage notice came in.
Network Rail has advised that the Vazon swing bridge at Keadby is not currently operational due to a malfunction. A new part is required and this has to be manufactured. It is anticipated that this will take at least seven days and that the structure will remain in the closed (to boat traffic) position during this time.
Blimey! Even the Trent route can have problems.

This week we’d arrived by the seaside in good time, an order was placed for two Haddock and a large chips, one side of mushy peas. Whilst Mick headed off to pick it up I made use of the living room floor to do my exercises. Having loads more room meant they took a good five minutes less than on the boat. It also meant I noticed one of the tiebacks on the curtains was upside down.

Next time we have fish and chips we must remember we only need a regular portion of chips between us!
Bed linen ironing was finished, a bed made up, some light dusting and a long shower for each of us. A good turn around day.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 blue hire car, M1, M18, M62, A614, A64, 2 lawns cut, 3 sets bed linen washed and ironed, 1 bed made, 1 attempt to fast track the NHS, 3 smart meters, 2 of each, 1 cat left in charge, 1 Happy Yorkshire Day.