Basin Bridge, West Stockwith
We knew today would be windy, it lived up to expectations and a touch more. However it hardly rained, so that was a bonus. We’d still not be going anywhere today.
Topics this morning on the Geraghty zoom included 20mph woke plots, brake drum percussion, Maudlin and Utah.

Once the blog was written for yesterday I settled down to concentrate on Photoshop. There is a very big black panel that constantly gets in the way as you are given instructions, quite annoying as you have to keep moving it about. Names for things mean just about nothing to me, so that takes a bit of googling. I found suitable tools, loaded an old photo of me and my brother, which is a favourite of mine.
This was taken 54 years ago in Sanna, Scotland. When we cleared the family house I took charge of Dad’s old slides and spent days/weeks scanning them. This photo and others had been affected by dust and damp. I remember taking it to a photography shop to see if they could clear the slide and give me a nice new print, but they just printed it how it was quite a disappointment really. I spent an age cloning and touching the image up in Photoshop and then printed out copies for Andrew and myself. So today for a practice I used the same image and the Spot Healing Tool to see how I got on.

Not bad really, just the top of the sky that wouldn’t play ball, so I trimmed it a touch. Still a few blemishes, but I was happy with the process.
I then loaded one of my scans to see if I could create a songsheet for Panto, a job still to be done. I decided to use and adapt some of my rainforest artwork. I trimmed it, cut bits out, couldn’t change the background colour, it got a touch frustrating and then my laptop decided to loose it all and close Photoshop down! Argh!! Good job it was just a try out.

Tilly came and went for much of the day. Mick got a touch nervous with the strength of the wind, would Tilly get lost, losing her scent. It tends to be windy days when we don’t see her for ages, so to a certain extent he was right to close the door and keep her in for a while. But the protestations started after an afternoon kip and we relented.
A paddleboarder came past with a Jack Russell having a very noisy ride! An hour or so later the paddleboarder returned , the dog now on the towpath along with someone in a mobility scooter. Our back doors were open and Tilly was out and about somewhere. The dog came on board, most probably trying to get to its owner on the paddleboard. For obvious reasons we don’t like dogs on Oleanna, encroaching Tilly’s safe space!

Mick was quick to get outside and asked the person to keep their dog off our boat, and where was our cat?! ‘It’s over there’ came the response as they pointed to a tortoiseshell on the opposite bank. ‘That’s not our cat’ ‘It’s over there!’ ‘Our cat is NOT over there! That is not our cat!’. Soon they were gone. Tilly returned a while later wondering what all the fuss was.
I loaded up the file I’d been sent from Prompt Side, suggested it should be the size it would be printed at 7m by 4.2m. I zoomed in and started to work my way methodically removing hairs. Blimey there were masses of them! I could also remove a few things that I wasn’t happy with, fingerprint left in some glue, where the point of a compass had left holes etc. This would take time, but I was impressed with how it worked. Saving it however was a different matter. This took ages, not knowing what settings would be required didn’t help matters either! In the end it stated that the file was over 4GB and would not save, the tool now became ever so slow to use.

I started again, the original kept to the size of the model. Zooming in I got a lot less detail than before, but could see most of the imperfections. I could save it, but would it be good enough? I need to check with Prompt Side as to settings for setting it up and saving. By the end of the day I felt a touch more confident that I’d be able to touch up the images. I however need to give my laptop screen a good clean first!
Yesterday Mick had popped into the butchers in Misterton. I’d requested he bought a couple of lamb steaks. When we were here before I came up with a recipe for Misterton Lamb, so we had to have it. I did however make a mistake, I did too many vegetables and therefore they didn’t crisp up as they should. It was still very tasty and the lamb was very good!

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 VERY blowy day, 2 clean siblings, 1 improved fishing rod, 1 broken fishing rod, 1 mended fishing rod, 1 trespassing woofer, 1 mistaken identity! 2 goes, 2 steaks, 1 boaters meeting, 1 moving boat after dark.