Burton Waters Visitor Moorings
The towpath was very busy this morning. Mick popped his head over the top of the bank and noticed banners flying in the breeze, something about 5km. We assumed it was a 5km park run. Then there was a constant droning from an engine of some sort, maybe a pump?

At just gone 9am a paddleboarder appeared over the top, a high vis numbered vest on their chest. This wasn’t a park run it was a paddleboard 5km. For the next three quarters of an hour a constant stream of people carrying their lightweight boards came down the steps to our stern. Some gingerly stepped onto their boards, others were far more confident. We felt in the way. Had there been a CRT notice about this? Boards were launched in front and behind us, we were surrounded! They all headed away down towards the marina entrance, things calmed down.

Slow Matches, the weather next Tuesday and German Citizenship were topics of the zoom this morning. Then the paddleboarders returned at speed.

A 5km race and we were on the first part of it. Clangs against us from paddles as they sped past. Dogs on the boards stood up trying to keep their balance, a few paddlers knelt down. All were giving it their all. Then after ten minutes they’d all passed and the world became calm again.

40 minutes after the start clazen sounded the lead paddler came past. He was followed by dribs and drabs and then the main field who were being followed by a cruiser. Martials on the bank called out to get everyone to move to the side to let the boat through.

Of course when it was all finished they all had to return to by us to get out of the water. Good job we’d not moored in front of the steps as this meant they could all swing their boards to get between the handrails. Gradually the noise of chattering dissipated and quiet returned. Well until a band struck up at the pub, an Oasis cover band. They were fairly good, with a Mancunium twang, but didn’t quite hit the mark.

Mick cleaned the fuel filters and I set about cleaning out the window surrounds. Glass out, oh blimey you could tell this job hasn’t been done for an age. Slime and numerous spiders nests, I did my best to rehome the spiders on the bank. Cotton buds, an old toothbrush, hoover, sponges and plenty of water cleared the channels. Then the window got a very good clean before being put back in . Tilly tried to help for a while, but over the top of the bank was far more interesting.

One of the portholes in the bathroom got the full treatment before I knew I should sit down. It’s a start at least and so refreshing to be able to look out of a window without finger and paw prints!
0 locks, 0 miles, 38 paddleboarders, 5km, 40 minutes, 9 hours, 2 windows, 1 hatch squeaky clean, 0 film, 1 tray with a hole, 1 stinky engine bay, 1 filters cleaned, 1 filter changed.
HI Pip, that sounds like an Aquapaddle – we cruised (slowly!) through one on our second day on the Nene. It’s like parkrun – timed, you can race if you want to, try and get a new PB, or just enjoy it. Best wishes for your toe! must be very frustrating.
Hi Debby it was an Aquapaddle. Some of them were ever so serious about it.