Newbold Visitor Mooring to Old Newbold Loop
Zooming before breakfast this morning, a catch up meeting with Amy from Dark Horse. The props list for the show has shrunk in some places but expanded elsewhere including in the size of giant props. This would not normally be a problem, construction in a workshop or even in our house would be fine so long as things fit out through a door or window. Here on the boat is a bit of a different matter! Moving a 2ft diameter mug about daily will become a pain in the proverbial! This will need a bit of thinking about and maybe the making of such things will need to be delayed until nearer the time that I can deliver them to Huddersfield. As most of the props will be made from foam we could always tow them along behind us!
Once breakfast was over and done with we should have been pushing off, but first I needed to do something. Last night walking all of the 200yards to the pub my calf muscle had suddenly reminded me that I had a problem. I’d hoped that resting it for ten days (okay walking round Birmingham shouldn’t have happened) would have helped, but it sent me a stabbing reminder. It was time to have a professional opinion. Lizzie had suggested a visit to the walk in centre at St Cross Hospital, such places are now called Urgent Care Centres. A phone call was made and unlike the centre in Birmingham they still accept walk ins, at Boots in B’ham you have to be referred by calling 111.

Fortunately the bus that passes through Newbold ends up at the hospital, so I caught the 85 and within half an hour arrived at the Centre. Waiting times looked reasonable, 27 minutes for Triage then 47 minutes to see an ENP (Emergency Nurse Practitioner), four people sat in the waiting room, hopefully this wouldn’t become one of those tales of a thirteen hour wait to be seen.
The triage nurse got me to kneel on a chair, she pinched both my calf muscles, her conclusion was that my Achilles tendon was still in tact, it was likely to be a strain, I’d be examined anyway. Time to sit back in the waiting room.

Blimey Cliff Richard looks old now, I learnt how to make a Christmas wreath and can announce to those who weren’t watching, that Neighbours will be returning to television screen via Amazon soon. All things I wouldn’t normally see on TV. I had taken a book in case of a long wait but Philip Schofield was upstaging any written word.
After an hour I was called through to see Carl. He also pinched my calf muscles, then got me to put my foot on the ground and do various things. My Achilles tendon was fine, phew. He asked me what I did for a living and I said that recently it consisted of 70 hour weeks up and down ladders and contorting myself around scenery. Carl apparently has worked in the theatre so was aware of the kind of work I’ve been doing and I should avoid doing any more for a while. Living on a boat was mentioned and I have been told to avoid working locks for a few weeks. My calf muscle has a bad strain and rest is required.
Thankfully I’d arrived before the waiting room had filled up and then managed to leave at a suitable time to catch the next hourly bus, saving a very chilly wait.
Mick had been busy whilst I was away, ringing around marinas to see who might be able to take us in for a few days. Also enquiries had been made further north or a longer period in a marina when we will need to return to the house to do winter maintenance. I had lunch, Tilly came in, maybe we should make a move.

We pushed off and made it to the water point by the pub, topped up the tank and then pootled onwards.

Through Newbold Tunnel, autumnal colours brightening up the very grey day. It was quite late so the next mooring was made use of opposite Armada Boats. Tilly thought here would be a good outside, but with it being 3:30 we thought she could wait for tomorrows outside instead, this meant us having to put up with her complaints for a couple of hours before she settled down.

0 locks, WExp 0.67 miles, Nebo 0.8 miles, MMap 0.713, 1 tunnel, 2 buses, 90 minutes wait, 2 calf pinchers, 1 strain, 1 leg to be rested and raised, 0 lock wheeling for a while, 1 overall on order, 1 snotty Mick, £10 not £18! 1 mardy cat.