Teddington Lock to Shepperton Public Mooring

Blue skies greeted us this morning as we pushed away Teddington. This is going to be another trip up stream on the Thames where we keep saying ‘next time’ as we don’t have too much spare time on our hands. We always seem to go up stream on the Thames too, maybe ‘next time’ we’ll come down stream and see things from a different angle, we’ll also save on a bit of diesel too.

We pootled through Kingston, on past Hampton Court Palace, there was space to moor, but not enough time to enjoy ourselves. I wonder if they still sell off their fruit and veg every week?

Molesey Lock, our first on the none tidal Thames had a lock keeper on duty, we were his fourth boat this morning. On we tootled aiming for about four hours of cruising today, but knowing we’d be a touch short of that due to wanting a suitable mooring for Tilly.
Boat houses, big houses. One with a suitable 70ft mooring was for sale. If only we had rich relatives!

A Kingfisher darted along between boats one of several we’d see today.

Plenty of riverside houses are being revamped or started from scratch, most with big windows to appreciate the views.

One property had three sets of bubbles bubbling up from the deep. Was this to keep the duck weed away? Or was it holes in a gas pipe line?

Does anybody know what this thing is? Steps up to it, round like an air shaft?

Sunbury Lock was also manned, just the requirement to use bow and stern ropes and to turn your engine off. All the grass cut to perfection and flower beds still showing off some colour.

Little houses on stilts, looking like big beach huts.

Then there was a large pontoon in the middle of the river. The chaps wearing high vis sat about having their lunch break. It looked like there was a drill for collecting samples on the pontoon.

We took the route to the north of Desborough Island. Last year we’d moored on the island when it was raining, not a suitable place for Tilly though. Today the moorings here were chocka so we carried on hoping there would be space on the council mooring a distance on.
Brilliant, we were the only boat. Not so brilliant was the large group of school kids heading in our direction! Were they just on lunch of were they skiving? As they hung around all afternoon, admittedly quite a distance from us we assumed they were skiving. This was almost certainly confirmed when they all headed off at school kicking out time!

Tilly wasn’t too sure about it here at first. First there was a woofer that had to be avoided, then lots of screeching kiddies who tried to climb the trees. They were just spoiling it for everyone else, well me! Once they’d gone home for their dingdings I had the place to myself. If it hadn’t been for those pesky kiddies it would have got a stamp of approval!

A flurry of panto emails had come through that needed some attention. Then as it was Thursday I put a chicken in to roast, timed to be ready after catching up with the Scarborough Chums. We’ve not had a Chums zoom catch up for what feels like months due to life returning to some kind of normal. Lovely to see people again, a shame some had to be at work. There was so much to catch up with, moving to Scotland, selling houses, buying pubs, a giant cardboard horse and Spanish wedding plans!
2 locks, 9.83 miles, £10,000,000 house, 70ft mooring, 2 many kids, 1 mooring spike, 1 wombled kindling hunt, 5 staying put, but 6 moving to 7 with a 6 inch brail, 1 roast chicken, 1 Sunday on a Thursday.