Church Bridge Staithe to March Visitor Moorings

The water tanks were dealt with before and during breakfast, then we were on our way just after 9am. Back in May we’d been wearing waterproofs along this stretch, in fact we’d got that bit wet when we’d crossed from Salters Lode to Denver, maybe that was the last time it had really rained. Today they were back on, only for the occasional light shower this morning and to help keep us warm.

We passed many a lovely looking house in Upwell. A couple are for sale. The Old Bank House with it’s six bedrooms, double garage and gym for £500,000. The house on Rectory Road we’d spotted three months ago, another six bedrooms dating back to medieval times, a swimming pool, 3 acres, outbuildings and an ironing room! All for £880,000, don’t think the sword collection is included though.

We hadn’t previously been aware of William having connections to the Middle Level!

Marmont Priory Lock is now looking very autumnal, apples hang from the trees by the lock cottage. The lock needed filling 58 turns on one paddle, then to empty it I only bothered turning each slacker 50 times, knowing they’d need winding down again!

Now the lower level is that bit wider and deeper, speed no longer left behind on the Great Ouse. We passed the New Pophams Eau and the Twenty Foot River, places waiting for the next visit to explore.

Wind turbines, Grebes and reeds were soon replaced with houses and back gardens with sheds as we approached March.

We’d heard that when the levels had dropped several boats with home moorings had moved themselves to the visitor moorings in March for deeper water, meaning that there wasn’t much room, we kept our fingers crossed as a stop here was necessary. But thankfully as we rounded the bend in front of the clock tower there was space for three boats our size. Just a shame the prop also got fouled as we came in!

First thing was to pick up the other model box which had been sent from Chippy, then see if the box it came in would fit the one I already had to send back to them. The model once unwrapped was slightly crumpled, requiring a bit of shoring up. I’d made this box a few years ago and it seems to be the one that is sent out to designers, so has been used a few times and is now showing it’s use along with being in a slightly squashed box. A bigger box would be needed to send the model box back.

After lunch Mick headed off to Sainsburys to stock up on food whilst I paid a visit to Boyes, their furthest south store. Sadly the things I was looking for they did not stock, so instead I headed back across the river to West End DIY. Here I found everything I needed. Some thin timber to help shore up the model box, slightly thicker timber and some mesh to ensure the side hatch will remain a one way hatch in hot weather. They were also in the process of filing the shelves with stock and had a shopping trolley full of cardboard boxes to choose from. Thank you West End.

Back at the boat I adjusted the cardboard to fit the model box and printed off labels for it to be posted back to Chippy. Mick returned with plenty of shopping. There had been wood cat litter which had distracted him from Tilly’s need for Odour control litter. A second visit to Boyes and Sainsburys meant we now have plenty of litter and oil for the next engine service.

Green and red were added to my panto portals, still cream and some gold to go before they’ll be finished. And as always I’ve changed my mind about some of it!
As we headed for bed tonight the local geese started to make a right noise. It looked like two of them were having a serious disagreement, one trying to either rip the others head off or drown it, whilst the other twelve of them all stood round honking ‘SCRAP SCRAP SCRAP!! Sadly no teacher arrived to pull them apart, we’ll see if there are fourteen of them still in the morning.
1 lock, 7.2 miles, 2 straight ons, 3 boats worth filled by the end of the day, 1 bumping hire boat, 21mm x 21mm, 12mm x 12mm, 25mm square mesh, 1 cardboard box, 2 varieties of litter, 1 bored cat, 14 geese, 2 model boxes swapped, 3 hours not enough work done today.