Temperature’s Rising. 11th July

Brampton Park GOBA Mooring

Curtains remained drawn on the port side to keep the sun out. We removed the glass from a couple of windows to try to create a draft through the boat, but during the day there was little breeze we could encourage inside.

Thankfully by late morning the shade from the trees was starting to make it’s way over the roof of Oleanna. I set up an office out on the bank ready for my telephone meeting with the director of panto.

Setting up the office

NB Eleanor Rugby pulled up quite early and moored behind us. Tilly explored, then came inside to be a long cat for a while.

At 1:30 I sat down with the lap top, phone, script and sketch book and spent over an hour on the phone to Abi. We managed to get two thirds of the way through the show in detail, but then the time came for her to switch hats from a Theatre Director to that of a Mum of two young children. So we quickly touched on the remaining scenes. I now need to collect more references and pull up a few more ideas before starting on the story board. Time is ticking away and once the school holidays start, getting people together for meetings and quotes will become harder.

Not much more to report really. The sky clouded over, it stayed hot, we sat out till quite late as it was cooler out than in. Oleanna does act somewhat like a storage heater in this weather. Tilly found friends and snoozed in the shade. We hunted for more shady moorings up stream for the next few days, the gaps between moorings are getting longer.

A few days ago Mick received an email from Sophie Green at C&RT regarding the winter stoppage on the Shropie, it said.

I have now managed to speak with the Delivery Team for Goldstone Culvert.

They have advised that unfortunately there is no scope in this years program to move this stoppage. All of this winters stoppages have been meticulously planned based on their risk and scope of works. Due to having a lot of high risk assets in the program and the length of time needed to carry out the required works, it has meant that we have had to plan in some of stoppages outside of the north/south, east/west divide routes. We always try our best to avoid doing this but sometimes it is not always possible.

This now means our route north after I’ve finished work on panto will have to be by the River Trent as all routes northwards of the west of the country will be closed. There is still another version of the stoppage list to come out, mid August, but by the sounds of things routes north will be hard to find and we’ll have to dodge the stoppages for a lot of the way.

Meeting time

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 new neighbour, 6 passing boats, 1 outdoor office, 2 crunchy friends, 1 actor still to cast, 2 rethinks, 30C, set to rise at the weekend, 1 serious route plan for winter needed.

5 thoughts on “Temperature’s Rising. 11th July

  1. Adrian Moore

    Glad you found shade. Good luck heading north after Chippy.

      1. Adrian Moore

        Oh yes!
        Wordpress just doesn’t like me I ! Never remembers me, I always have to log in to comment or go anon.
        I tick follow up comments never get notifications of any. Not in my junk I’ve checked there.
        I have to go back page by page that’s how I found your kind comment here.
        Both Safari and Chrome just the same. It works for a bit then back to its old ways again must be me but I can’t solve it.

        1. Pip Post author

          The last week or so I’ve been able to see your likes again, both via email and on the app I have on my phone. Comments don’t always come straight through to the app and the reader only shows me posts from blogs that were on our blog roll when I first downloaded the app, a touch annoying.

      2. adrian2013Adrian

        WordPress must of been listening I just had an email notification of your original comment none yet though of your comment above, Scrap that just have!

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