It feels an absolute age since I’ve written anything, well it’s nearly three weeks since my last post! When writing a daily blog I get into a routine, when I stop it takes a while for me to come down as it were and not have to take photos constantly, think of a title to sum up the days events etc.

Instead I fill the day with decorating or doing a bit of work for #unit21 which will be here very soon. Full on rehearsals start next week , with there only being two shows it will all be done and dusted by mid Feb. Then we’ll be on the final push to finish things in the house before moving back on board.

This morning we’ve discussed our cruising plans for the year. Despite Mr Johnson starting to relax covid restrictions and suggesting that even self isolation may be removed by the end of March I have decided that the party I was planning for the summer will be delayed by a year. So it won’t be quite the half century, half decade, half year birthday that I’d planned, instead it will be 55.5 +1. There are other reasons too.

Last year we wanted to see family and catch up with a few friends. This was important to us and dictated where we should cruise, we also managed to fit in some adventures too. Then panto came along, then we waited for Christmas followed by the New Year. Times, restrictions and things to be waited for. Now we busy ourselves with jobs around the house whilst we wait for our first lodger of the year to arrive. So instead of waiting for July and a party we will be heading off to cruise and explore new places and waterways. Hopefully covid will have receded a touch more by summer 2023 and we will feel more relaxed about gathering friends and family together for a big weekend, it will also give us more time to plan it!
So, where will we be going?
Well you’ll just have to be patient and wait and see!

Have to say, now we know what our plan is, we can start to look forward that bit more. There are various jobs that need doing on Oleanna before we head off. We could do with the weather being a touch warmer so that our bubble carpenter can pay her a visit and Mick might finally get round to giving her an oil change!

News from Towpath Talk is that C&RT have temporarily suspended commercial craft on the Aire and Calder to investigate harm being caused to wildlife. On a stretch of the canal in Knottingley there have been significant numbers of dead fish. Reduced loads and slower speeds had been adopted by the gravel barges but still the fish are dying without explanation.

The title of todays blog doesn’t actually refer to us, as setting off is still a little while away. But this morning Mick received a phone call from an old friend. Chris was obviously excited, as finally after a couple of months of living on his narrowboat whilst the boat builders have been finishing things off, today was the day he’d be leaving Debdale Marina and heading off to continuously cruise the system.

At midday he untied NB Elektra, got himself to the entrance of the marina where he was going to toss a coin, left or right? Right it was. He has just over a month to reach Watford Locks which are currently closed for maintenance, then he will most probably have to toss a coin again at Norton Junction to see which way he will then head. It reminded us of our excitement when we pushed out from Crick Marina in 2014 and headed towards Braunston with NB Blackbird.

So if you are in need of a boating fix you can glide along the canals with Chris as he has a webcam mounted in the bow. A week or so ago he cruised to Leicester, we watched occasionally and were surprised at how well we recognised where he was despite there being few major landmarks to help us. If you are out walking the towpaths you won’t be able to miss him and NB Elektra as she is painted black and magenta and when the weather warms up a bit he’ll no doubt be wearing his pink hat.

Right that’s my excuse for writing a blog post used up. Mick when are you going to change the oil so I can have another fix?!
Bye for now.

Oooooh exciting plans, can’t wait to hear all about them!
Well hopefully our paths might cross this year.
Planned so far.
Long 5 days at Easter starting at Markey Harborough
5 Days late May bank holiday starting at Rugby on board https://armadaboathire.co.uk/boat-hector.html going up to Snarestone, traveling up the North Oxford and Ashby Canals.
Then Edinburgh in the summer for the Tattoo
So fingers crossed Covid is begone
That all sounds very organised and exciting. Our paths may cross, but not at Easter
Oooooo exciting, crossing the Mersey Liverpool to Stourport? Or to Sharpness and back.
Middle Levels nene etc. Ribble link umm where else!
Sorry going to keep you guessing for a while Ade