Daventry Road Bridgeish to Bickley’s Bridge 26
Tilly was given an hour to head off into the friendly cover as she was pleading at the back door and we didn’t plan on going too far today. An hour and a bit later she returned after being called (!) only to plead at the back door once again. She’d got distracted and been far too busy to deal with the matter in hand, given the choice she’d rather use shore based facilities than her pooh box.

We pushed off passing Willow Wren Training. Here they have added some camping pods on their campsite, they also have some small self catering rooms. Another possible location for a party, more research required.

At the top of the Stockton Flight we could see a boat just heading into the lock to go down, was our luck in? No, another boat pulled in alongside them. Oh well, hopefully having left our arrival until after 11 we hoped we’d meet quite a few boats coming up the flight saving work all round.

The lock emptied and below it we could hear the thump thump thump from NB Hadar. The lock below had just brought two boats up, Hadar and a hire boat with their family aboard were breasted up and now there were the two boats that had just gone down the top lock. Six boats in one short pound, each needing to get out of the way of the others to get to where they all needed to be.

Add into this mix one boat that had just gone down the top lock was winding to come back up. Eventually it all sorted itself out, one lock bringing two boats up, one lock taking the breasted boats down, two boats waiting for the locks to be in their favour again, both facing opposite directions.

The chap waiting to head down the locks came up to chat with us, yes we would be going all the way down the flight and not just winding after one. Hooray we both had a partner. Once we were down the top lock we teamed up with the chap a single hander who looked like he’d come up from London (Lee Navigation protest posters in his windows). He was obviously very experienced, hopping on and off his boat when needed, closing gates, lifting paddles.

Quite a few of the locks had uphill boats, but there were the inevitable locks set against us. I headed on down to set them returning to close a gate behind the two boats.

Hadar were keeping ahead having three crew at the locks. At one point there were two empty locks between us and a boat was just about to come into the bottom of them. Should I set the one ahead of us or wait for the uphill boat to come up two locks? I opened the bottom gate and waited for the uphill boat, which meant I got a little rest, we’d been working at quite an efficient pace downhill!

Grandparents daughter and grandson were heading up, keeping a steady pace working the locks. This gave us just that bit longer to rest. Then we were off again, the next couple of locks sat waiting for us.

There had been little time to chat to the chap we were sharing with, but at the last two locks (of our day) we had a bit more time. He was heading for Birmingham, maybe a bit further and would carry on down hill today. He thanked us for our help, I thanked him for his, although he didn’t think he’d done much.

Off he headed towards Bascote Staircase, we pootled along past the pubs to find the moorings beyond Bickley’s Bridge 26 empty so we tied to the first rings. Should my panto order have arrived today then we’d be able to either reverse to the pub or carry on to the next water point to collect it.

With the internet being temperamental round here the photos of my model had taken forever to upload, I even left the computer on as we cruised today hoping it would all happen if I wasn’t watching the computer. Thankfully this had worked so I could let people see the model.

A walk into the village for a couple of bits of shopping had us walking across the fields and popping out into Long Itchington close to where the blue plaque for Jacob Von Hogflume hangs on a house. Back in 2015 we came across the plaque and I wondered if I could find anything else about Jacob.

Kit Ward claims to have had a couple of drinks with the time traveller. Link

He also has a twitter account Link where recently he has been discussing the heights of historic figures such as Henry VIII and his wives.

Jacob is not the only time traveller marked with a blue plaque. Of course there are a series of Dr Who actors, Jon Pertwee, William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton. But there is also Professor Ralph Deeson in Glasgow and Niloc Semaj in Brecon.
10 locks, 9 shared, 2.58 miles, 6 in a pound, 2 outsides, 4 hours to upload, 1 Viking, 2 boxes, 1 meeting, 2169 resident.
Looks as though you moored on the first ring (of only six!) at Long Itchington — which is exactly where we stopped..
Maybe we are stalking you at a very slow pace!