Viking Marina, Goole and Scarborough

From the above photo you can see we were early to rise this morning. There were presents to open first thing and then a train to catch.
I’d not managed to do terribly well on the present front, Goole had let me down. But Boyes did have a supply of Plain Bounty bars which Mick loves, so at least that brought a smile to his face. A new boating cap which he already knew about and some clips for hanging t-towels, I know how to treat my boy!
At 8am I was out of the door and on my way to the station. It’s about a twenty minute walk from Viking Marina, but there is always the chance that the swing bridge in the docks might be opened for a ship, the only way round would be over the gates of Ocean Lock which might also be in use. So adding an extra twenty minutes to the walk was wise as I had a booked train to be on. However it wasn’t needed.
Today was the first time I’ve been on a train since I came back from Vienna, I was relieved that there weren’t too many people on it so managed to have plenty of space around me. The two ladies across the way kept me amused with their gossiping.

My destination today was Scarborough. Up to Brough, along the banks of the Humber and in to Hull Paragon Station. I think the last time I came to Hull on a train was when the country was totally snowed under in 2010, the car was buried under a couple of feet of snow out the back of Hull Truck for a week or two and the direct train line was closed due to snow drifts.

The train then backs out from the station and heads its way northwards stopping at numerous stations which always seem to come in the wrong order to me. A glimpse of the sea and lots of green fields and only one gnome visible at Seamer Station amongst all the weeds.

There was now time to call in to Sainsburys to pick up another present for Mick before hopping onto the No 9 Bus out through Scalby to the Rugby Club. The place was heaving again as it was about ten weeks ago. I joined the queue which moved quickly into the sports hall. My card had another sticker added to it, then I was sent to stand in line for my jab. Last time all nine booths had queues of four people waiting for them, but today I seemed to have timed it well as I was the second in line, then got moved over to an empty booth. My appointment had been 12:30 but I was done and jabbed by just gone 12:00.

No stickers on offer today. I had however brought my own badge to celebrate the moment. A few months ago I’d seen that a friend of a friend was selling a limited number of covid vaccination badges in aid of Gavi, the vaccine alliance. I made a donation and had received my badge which I’d saved opening until today, the monster sticker guarding it until the right time.

The next bus back into town meant I had loads of time to kill before my booked train back. I stocked up on various things from real live shops, got told off for taking a photo of the shutters pulled down at Debenhams and wondered how long there had been a cat cafe in Bar Street.

With my packup lunch I headed to a bench in front of the Town Hall to say a final farewell to Scarborough for a while.

By the time the train got back to Goole it was raining so I got soggy on my walk back to the boat. Back to Mick’s birthday and bakewell tart birthday cake.

During the day the Goole Escape committee had been Whatsapping. The weather forecast still not good for tomorrow. We decided to wait and see how things were in the morning, will there be a suitable window as the very wet weather front goes over?

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 cap, 5 clips, 2 chunks of plain chocolate and coconut, 2 trains, 2 buses, 1 tablet stand, 1 polo shirt, 5 minutes, 2nd jab, 1 last look at the light house, 2 slices of birthday, 4 paracetamol (not all together) just in case.
If you are into yarn and knitting Lisa, from across the way in Goole and Scarborough, has just started to vlog about her hand dyed yarns and all things wool, along with a bit of boating. We even get a mention along with Tilly sitting on her shelf, thank you Lisa. So todays link is a bit boaty and a lot woolly.
thank you 🙂 And now we start to follow your new adventure vicariously, i will be a watching out for blog daily. Hope you make it to London and will maybe see you there as i am there in June again.
Happy Birthday Mick,
Cheers Ade