Cholmondeston Lock to Eardswick Bridge 12

NB Myrtle was the first boat to pass us this morning. We planned on moving after breakfast ourselves, but just as we were about to roll the covers back the heavens opened! Why have the seasons had to fast forward to Autumn just when we’ve got going?! This did mean that Tilly was allowed some shore leave. Now they are moving the outside again I only get to go out in the rain!

Such a dismal morning Mick decided to light the fire. The proper rain dissipated and Tilly came home all damp at the edges, so we quickly got ourselves ready to push off, we wanted somewhere with a view.

Along the overgrown towpath we could make out where boats have been moored during the lockdown, flattened grass at bow and stern, patches of yellower shorter grass where people had set up base alongside the towpath. At the barbecue mooring one boat was tied up, it’s owner and second mate having a bit of shore leave together, we decided to continue, not wanting to have another feline stand off.

As we approached the Queuing Lock (Minshull Lock) we could see a boat was just pulling away towards us, we’d come into view just at the right moment before they closed the top gate, so no queuing today, just straight in and down. I did have to close the gates though as nobody was waiting below.

Onwards past Aqueduct Marina where we once spent a week iced in on NB Winding Down (link to blog). We’ve heard that some marinas are limiting the number of boat owners visiting their boats, some even giving time slots, some only allowing one boat owner on a pontoon at a time so that social distancing can be maintained, helping to protect those who liveaboard. There were signs at the entrance of the marina saying that diesel and pumpouts were by appointment only.

Now we were on the look out for a mooring we’ve not stayed at before. A while ago we’d made a mental note of a mooring with views across to Church Minshull and we quite fancied trying it out today. The first possible mooring on our Waterways Routes map came into view, it wouldn’t be that one as there was a large hedge. We were quite glad as the local farmer was making quite a smell! Another look and guess, maybe it was the next visitor mooring. We came under Bridge 12, this could be it, but there was very little view, certainly not as we remembered it.

It was the right place, gaps in the trees showed the view we’d remembered, it’s just that in the last couple of years the hedge or trees have grown obscuring the rolling fields. We pulled in and deployed the tyres again, a concrete edge giving away the shelf lying below the water.

Tilly was given the rest of the afternoon to explore and find friends. Of course I was alowed out, just before it started to rain again! It did get sunny every now and then and with little footfall and only one boat at the other end of the moorings we only had birds and cows to keep us company. Just a shame the view is overgrown.

This morning as we cruised along we’d been able to see our breath, but this afternoon we sat with the hatch open (when it wasn’t raining) to try to bring the internal temperature of Oleanna down, who’d lit the stove?
I gave called York Hospital a call to see if an appointment in a couple of weeks would still be going ahead. It took a while before I got through but then the lady confirmed I still had an appointment, but clinics are constantly being looked at to reduce footfall in the hospital. We’d planned to have been in Leeds by then, just a short train journey away, instead we’ll plan to be near an Enterprise for a car.

A few weeks ago I’d started to follow Snugbury’s on facebook. For those unfortunate soles who don’t know about Snugburys, they are fine purveyor of chilled medication, numerous flavours and well worth a visit on the A51 a short distance from the top of Hurleston Locks, even in November there was a queue!
At the beginning of lockdown they had tried to continue but found it hard, so had closed. Then a while ago they had started a click and collect service, minimum order of three tubs. You would be given a date and time for collection. With no car of freezer space for that much ice cream we didn’t bother. But today on their facebook page they have announced a drive through, opening tomorrow! A chilled medication DRIVE THROUGH!!

But we’ve just moved away!
If I had known, we’d have kept the boxes from our veg box order and fabricated a car bonnet for the Brompton just so that we could visit! It is SOOO unfair, so so unfair!
1 lock, 2.57 miles, 1 wet chilly day, 1 fire, 2 boaters over heating, 1 soggy moggy, 2 friends, 1 appointment, 0 chilled medication, 0 chilled medication so far this year! 1 paint box rationalised as a distraction.
If your “Chilled Medication” is desperately needed when you are due to get to Middlewich, make an order, contact me for collection, after all the Chemists have a delivery option !!
Thank you Alfred. We have a pot of chocolate orange chilled medication still in our freezer from Christmas, so we’ll be alright. But thank you for the offer.
No worries, safe journey.