Ribble Link
Tomorrow the chaps will turn up again and assess the situation, chat to Harry and let us know if we can cross. To us it’s not that much of a problem, we can wait. But others have places to be and plans, however there is no alternative but to wait, you can’t argue with Mother Nature and tides. There are so many factors to take into account we were quite glad that Harry is on the case. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Mr Widebeam apparently will be going last. He is getting a tow from the bottom of the link as his engine is having problems. So in case he breaks down the rest of us will go ahead of him.
We all retired back to our boats, Bridget took orders for Saturday newspapers and went off in search of a newsagent. Roger departed and there was only one thing for it, we’d have brunch. Well there was the last of the smoked salmon to finish off!
Artist John Somerscales was commissioned to paint murals for the balcony close to the top of the building. For some reason Egypt was decided on as the subject, this was before the tomb of Tutankhuman was discovered in 1922. He visited the pyramids and made watercolour sketches which informed his final murals. Eight large paintings are interspersed with studies of the Egyptian Pharos. Painted onto canvas as he would as a scenic artist in the theatre, he worked on them over a period of four years. The guides couldn’t tell us if they had been hauled up the atrium to the top of the building or whether the canvases had been rolled up and carried up the narrow staircase.
The rest of the day the weather has mostly been sunny but every now and again a cloud burst reminds us that nature will determine whether we get to cross the Ribble tomorrow. Walking back up by Savick Brook the levels had dropped since this morning, we just have to hope that the hills that feed the brook haven’t had too much rain today for it to rise again. The weather report isn’t too favourable for the next few days either.
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 aborted crossing, 5 boats on hold, 1 brook way 2 high, 2nd breakfast, 1 paper girl, 2 buses, 12 only, 3rd floor balcony, 1 stunning yellow dressed painting, 3 teas, 1 coffee, 0 cake, 1 huge pot of pork stew bubbling away.
Good luck with the weather and your crossing, quite an adventure but sounds like you are in safe hands of Harry etc.
Thanks Ade. At least we are not in the middle of Irma, I don't think even Harry would be able to help us then!