Primrose Hill
The boat in front of us moved off shortly after 8am so we nudged up to try to avoid the under water ledge as today promised to be another busy day with trip boats. It took a little while for Mick to fine tune the fenders but his efforts were worth it as we stayed fully afloat all day.

No time for breakfast this morning, anyhow we had an important brunch date. We walked in the sunshine up to Chalk Farm Tube Station where we met Emma my bestest friend who was inbetween a flight from Italy yesterday and one back home to Sydney this evening. It’s been a couple of years since we were last together and even though we only had four hours together they were very special hours. Our Mums were best friends and we inherited the close friendship they had, just a shame we now live on opposite sides of the world.

She wanted to see our new home and meet Tilly,
She was quite nice, she certainly smelled nice. So after the ‘Oooo!‘ of the corner cupboard, it hasn’t failed yet, we walked back up to Primrose Hill to find a suitable place for brunch. So much to talk about and catch up on news of friends in both hemispheres. An Italian restaurant still had tables outside available so we pulled two together and settled down for a very nice breakfast. To try to make up for all those calories we walked back up the hill in the park to admire the view. Even more people there this morning!

Our four hours were over all to quickly and I walked Emma back up to Chalk Farm where we said our goodbyes. She may have been able to stay a while longer, but with her bags to pick up and an international flight to catch it wasn’t worth risking any hitches. Hope your flights were good Emma and that your baggage manages to arrive with you this time.

Back at Oleanna there was work to do in the galley as my family were descending for a late Sunday lunch. Two chickens roasted with tarragon butter under the skin and stuffed with chickpeas, chilli and plenty of roasted garlic. I’ll certainly be doing them again. My diet lapsed today, I especially enjoyed some chilled medication with a slice of Bakewell tart. It was lovely to have my brother and family over for some food and make proper use of our big oven. The afternoon drifted by as did the trip boats and punts. Plenty of wine and food in true Leckenby style. A good day to end our visit to London.
0 locks, 60 ft, 1 bestest friend, 4 hours to make the most of, 2 full cooked breakfasts, 1 veggie breakfast with broccoli, 2 50ths to celebrate, 1 more look at the view, 24th visitor in 3 weeks, 2 chickens, 1 chilli, 2kg roasted baby potatoes, 1 bump with a GoBoat, 2 bottles of wine, 4 more days of plaster cast, 1 good news phone call, 1 slight detour to make, 1 lovely day, 1 goldfish bowl of a boat heading west in the morning.
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