Scarboreugh and Goole

Yesterday She sat down after getting up and we had a chat. She does the getting up and sitting down thing quite a lot at the moment, but it’s rare for us to have a chat about something important. She said things that She thought I didn’t know, but blah blah blah blah blah! I know what’s happening and by Cat Nip Dreamies they’ve been taking their time about it! I’ve tried to help by emptying their socks and pants drawers. I purred a lot today to encourage She to go quicker as she changed the bed linen on my bed. I even tried sign language, if She strokes my head she’ll let me out. It didn’t work!

I started doing the idiot checks, checking every corner of every cupboard to make sure they’d not left anything. Then She started to stroke things, first wet, then dry, but not my head! Tom headed off early and came back in a very big boxer. He said it wasn’t a woofer and the one we were meant to have had a broken face so we got the big Boxer.

Tom then walked back and forth, back and forth carrying things whilst She did more stroking, still not my head! I watched from underneath my bed, the longer it went on the more worrying it got. Then they stopped. It always amazes me that we think we’ve nearly finished, there is a whole lot more cleaning to do! And that is so that other Toms and She’s can sleep in my bed and use my Wardle.
Then they’d finally finished. All morning She’d been asking me to use my Pooh Box and all morning I’d not wanted to. She stopped asking me and gave it a wash out and handed it to Tom. This meant our departure was imminent. I hid on the bed between the two piles of soft towels, ears as low as they could be. This had to be easy, I really didn’t want them to get stressed and hiding under the bed really wouldn’t have been good for She’s knees, but at the same time I had to keep up the pretence of not wanting to go. Well I do want to go, it’s just the going bit I’m not keen on. I like it when we’ve got there.

I was bundled into the caravan and then into the front of the big Boxer. Time to go to the boat Tilly, isn’t that exciting! It would be if you’d just get on with it!!!
I remembered that sitting down was a good thing, lying down proved to be even better. At least Tom was doing his best to make the outside move fast, however it is a bit too fast for my liking.

Two comfort breaks required, apparently my timing wasn’t so good this time, but we all got to enjoy Sledmere again.

Then finally we arrived, there Oleanna was waiting for me to move back onboard. She and Tom are meanies not letting me out in Goole. They kept going out, passing things in through the hatch busy busy, all whilst I could be exploring the outside, it looks to have good potential.

Then there was hilarity as they tried out their new bed. It’s not as squishy as the last one so Tom might have to shrink his head to fit. I didn’t dare try it until it had been covered. I’ll let you know how we all sleep tonight.

The view is different than I remembered it, the next door boat has been moved elsewhere so I can see the sky and watch the ducks go by. Thank you Lairdy Tom.

Now I really hope they don’t spend ages and ages before they move the outside, she strokes my head and I can go out into it to find some friends. I’ll try to give them a paw with unpacking to make it happen quicker.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 big boxer, 1 clean kitchen, 2 clean bathrooms, 1 tidy house, 1 lodger confirmed, 1 inventory checked, 1 noisy journey, 1 cat who knows where she’s going, 2 comfort breaks, 1 new mattress, 2 many things to stow, 1 sunny view, 1 happy cat to be back afloat.