A Nice Lie Down. 19th February

Since Oleanna’s launch some eight years ago, we’ve had two mattresses for our cross bed. The original we strongly suspect was just 6 inch upholstery foam. Not the best thing to sleep on every night, especially when your a lady of a certain age who has personal summers overnight!

We replaced the foam in December 2019 with a purpose made memory foam mattress which arrived at Sovereign Wharf on the South Oxford in a big box. We’d risked going for an extra inch in height, Mick just managed to fit under the gunnels, our bed base being maybe an inch or two too high for a deeper mattress because of the radiator at the foot of the cross bed. This mattress was pretty expensive, but as we slept on it every night all year we hoped it would be worth it. I’d tried looking for other types of mattresses but all seemed to require more depth, this would mean Mick having to chop his head off to fit! A messy option and not one we fancied.

A rather pleasingly weathered door

After a few years the memory foam developed memory loss and a mountain was created between us, not to the size of Everest, but it was certainly noticeable. Last year I got prices for a new memory foam mattress of a similar spec, but we ran out of time to get it ordered , delivered and onto Oleanna before we had to move back on board.

With lodgers soon to leave I decided that now was the right time to get on the case and get some quotes. A few weeks before we need to be out of the house so plenty of time and we’d have space to store a mattress should it arrive early.

Facebook boating groups have several mattress makers advertising, so I enquired with them all. What would be the best for a full time live aboard rather than occasional use? Lead time etc. A couple came back to me quite quickly, several options. One was very cheap, so most probably we’d end up with a mountain range after two years. The company we’d used before were coming in at around £500, but we knew this would only be good for four years.

Way back, when we visited our first ever Crick Boat Show we’d spent time at the Edwardian Bedding stand. Here you could try out lying on narrow mattresses that they had stored in their stand, we’d made a note of which we’d preferred. This was a long time ago, they didn’t seem to be mentioned on boating groups until recently. I hunted them down on line.

A Yorkshire company who make mattresses to your requirements. I sent them an enquiry with dimensions and what we were after, would it be possible to have a pocket sprung mattress? A couple of hours later a price came back from the Mexborough factory with a suggestion (Apollo1500), saying they could make it to our dimensions and the price. This was another £100, but if it lasts twice as long as a memory foam then it would be worth it.

But would it be comfortable? I got in touch with their Malton branch, they had a similar mattress in stock that we could try. Brilliant! So we hopped on the Coastliner 843 over to Malton.

A nice ride out

Front seats on the upper deck, perfect for sight seeing over the hedges on the A64, although a touch blustery too. After nearly an hour we arrived and walked into town. The old, 70’s style shop filled with mattresses for you to try was found. A lady showed us the Apollo mattress. Coats off, time for a lie down.

Lots of mattresses suitable for houses

Mick we suspect could sleep on anything, I however am a little bit picky. Bedoingee beds are okay for a night or two, but not every night. We both had a go, rolled over a few times, no bedoingeeness, this was the one.

On our backs

A little explanation of our mattress dimensions was needed, don’t think the lady gets many orders for cross beds. Order placed, delivery date sorted, a week or so before we’d be needing it, paid for. There was time to have a little look in the big Yorkshire Trading across the road before making our way back to the bus station. Front seat again, a good trip out.

and on our sides

0 locks, 0 miles, 843 Coastliner, 2 front seats, 2wice, 1 mattress laid on, 1 mattress paid for, 40 minutes in Malton, 2 boaters looking forward to better nights sleep, 1 cat not consulted, I use the bed the most and they didn’t even bother to ask me!

2 thoughts on “A Nice Lie Down. 19th February

  1. Sue Deveson

    How we know this mattress-to-suit problem…!

    Your description, Pip, of the mountain range in the middle of the bed is just so true. Digging oneself out of a mattress pit for a middle of the night bathroom visit required strength, balance and athleticism! Then at last year’s Crick Show we came across Ship Shape Bedding. A custom made mattress from them seemed a big spend but what a difference… Our new two piece, pocket sprung, cushion-topped mattress made to measure (only 5 inches in height to allow for headroom under the gunnel) was ordered while we were moored at Weedon and delivered about three weeks later to our home address.

    I hope your new mattress proves as comfortable as ours! I love it!

    Sue /Boatwif /nb Cleddau

    1. Pip Post author

      Very good to hear Sue. I’m glad we are all crawling out from the foam valleys of our past mattresses

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