Sledgehammer. 14th October

Above Lock 21E to above Lock 3E

Up early, Mick set off back into Huddersfield to return the car, then got a lift back out to Slaithwaite. We’d hoped to make an early start but it wasn’t until just gone 10am that we pushed off. Mick walked ahead to set the lock, but where had he gone? I could see the lock was empty. A CRT person walked up and was clearing the bywash, was there a problem? I rang Mick, he’d just met Kevin and had been chatting about Lock 1E and the locks to reach there.

Blue skies

With 18 locks to work today Mick got out the Brompton. Most of the locks were that little bit too far apart to be setting ahead, but there were a few that he could. The main reason for the bike was that he could free wheel down the towpath to start setting the next lock as I followed behind with Oleanna.

Autumnal sunlight

Below Lock 21E is the patch of blackberries that Mick and Frank once stopped the boat to fill bowls full. Today what was left of them were all wizened, no point in holding up the proceedings. Some locks had both sets of paddle gear on the same side, some hydraulic, some not. We soon got into rhythm with me closing offside paddles, then giving the thumbs up once back on board and making sure I was clear of the cill.

Titanic Mill

Another beautiful blue skied day. Dropping down to pass Titanic Mill. Just by the lock there is a lot of work going on clearing trees and digging behind a wall, is this for the canal or some building work?

Alongside for much of the way the River Colne follows the canal down the valley. Golden trees now dropping their leaves made for an orange carpet along much of the towpath. The trees gradually hiding more and more light industry, more mills would soon appear alongside the canal.

More Titanic

One very slow pound. Was there something around the prop? Was it leaves? No just the bottom too close to the top. A sign on a lock beam, slow down and keep to the centre. Did this mean above or below the lock? I wasn’t going fast anyway and was tending to keep to the centre.

No way round this rotten bridge

Golcar Aqueduct. A bend to the right then a narrowing over the aqueduct before bending back to the left. Just before the narrowing there was a traffic cone at the side and a big mound of bags of aggregate all muddy and wet. Earlier in the year there had been a leak here, this had held up our friend Graeme. He’d ended up having to retrace himself and find a different route. Thankfully today we were good to go through.

He always pushes his bike under bridges

I expertly crossed the aqueduct not touching the side. Then when turning on the far side ended up a foot out but stuck on the bottom! This took me quite a bit of time to wiggle Oleanna’s way off, reversing and pushing with the pole, but I got there without the need of calling Mick for assistance. He’d only just got the next lock ready anyway.


Down 11,10, and 9E Isis Lock, the one that is easy to click on on Canalplan when wanting to head via Oxford and finding your route plan taking a rather large detour!

Time for a lunch break. We pulled in on the bollards, apologised to Tilly yet again for no shore leave. One day Tilly you’ll be allowed back out, but not yet. Mick decided that he needed to check the quality of the cup cakes again. Verdict they were actually nicer than the main cake. Result, none left!

No cupcakes left!

Time to carry on. Mick’s face lit up with the sight of a walkway over the top end of the next lock. Well there was a reason for that, no access to the bottom gates from the road bridge. I knew this, but he didn’t.

Lock beams open over the road bridge

As you empty the lock it’s wise to end up waiting on the off side. When empty you can then push open the bottom gate and lower the paddle, cross over the walkway on the top gate and do the same at the other bottom gate. From the road bridge at the tail of the lock you can reach both bottom gates to close them, saving having to walk round the lock another time.

He’s always been a bit of a Trout!

David Essex was going round and round in my head, I needed to reset my brain to forget it. We don’t normally listen to music as we cruise, preferring to listen to the bird song, but maybe some would help! But what?

Got to love a good fire escape

How’s about a song about Penguins? I searched Google. The Penguin marching song which came with movements. I listened to it once, it wasn’t going to do the trick as I didn’t already know the words. Hold me Tight needed knocking out of my head. I found a suitable song, turned the volume up. Peter Gabriel did the job and only one witness on the towpath to hear my dodgy cold filled singing.

Loitering man

At Paddock Foot Lock 5E there was a chap loitering around the lock. Was he talking to himself? On the phone? Too busy rolling a spliff? He walked back and forth. Mick checked his phone, only one more lock after this, time to put the Brompton back onboard for safe keeping.

Bright work boat

The chap followed us down to the next lock. Above which was an orange work boat with a funny scaffolding contraption mounted on it. I think there is some work planned on a retaining wall nearby soon, maybe it was for that.

Another odd bod arrived. Whipping out a tape measure from his pocket, he chatted to Mick a bit, crossed the lock, paced to the end, measured something then crossed back. He had no idea how locks worked so I suspect he has a compulsion to measure things and maybe walks to the end of the lock several times a day. Or maybe he had something to do with the scaffolding on the workboat. The other chap paced out the length of the lock as Oleanna descended.

Mick was picked up and we now made our way along the narrow section to above Lock 3E. Here we joined a couple of other boats, neither of which we were expecting. There is limited space above the lock, really only the lock landing. Here it’s not a problem to be moored on the bollards as the first boats to go through the lock would be boats heading towards Lock 1E in the morning, any coming up wouldn’t reach 3E until we’d already left.

Maybe room for one more breasted up behind

The only thing was the lock landing was full. We pulled over to the off side where railings could be tied to. A chap popped out from NB Wildflower to chat and check if we were booked for tomorrow. It sounded like the two boats we’d been expecting in front of us were already down near Lock 1E, one wasn’t booked but was hoping he’d be allowed through.

We settled down for the evening. Tilly now in resigned mode of being an indoor cat, only a few complaints before she went back to sleep. Gradually the outdoor world turned purple around us. The exterior walls of Kirklees College washed in purple flood light, sadly not our own Northern Lights!


18 locks, 4.1 miles, 1 annoying song, 1 Sledgehammer, 1 Brompton lock wheeler, 0 problems with water, 1 lunch break, 2 odd bods, 1 boat jam, 1 purple world, 1 cat giving up hope of any shore leave ever again.

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