Hold Me Close. 11th & 12th September

Handmade Bakery, Slaithwaite and Woking

Tilly did her very best to hold on, but a refresh of her pooh box was required. I’d just cleaned it out when she could hold on no more, but thankfully this just required a good rinse out before fresh litter was added. All nice a clean for the next few days.

Ahhhhh…cat nip…

Mick headed off to meet someone from Enterprise and was whisked off in Huddersfield to do paperwork and pick up a car. He also picked up more Lemsips and we now have a variety of cough medicines and several spare boxes of tissues! Bags were packed, including the iron.

How long this time?!

I always know what’s going on, even before She opens up the toy box. I especially like the first whiff, strong slightly stale cat nip, sends a zing to the tip of my tail. Then my magic food bowl came out, this just confirms my suspicions. How many big sleeps?! How long will I be deserted for? Only two Tilly.

How long before these cooling towers are gone too?

We headed eastwards to the M1 to head south. The sun was out, blue skies and such incredible countryside. A guaranteed queue through Holmfirth then back up onto the tops. Then it was the humdrum of the M1, Radcliffe Power Station now dormant on the horizon. Then across towards Warwick, Banbury, Oxford down to the M25 where we sat in traffic as expected for a Friday afternoon.

Along roads surrounded by trees, then roads circling round high rise buildings. The Light Box, left here, then again here, under the railway, left, no that left. Eventually we pulled up in the Travelodge car park in Woking. Four months ago we’d been in Woking on Oleanna, we’d considered returning for this weekend, but that would have made our trip northwards harder negotiating our way around C&RT stoppages that will soon be starting.

Spicy aromatic dishes with rice

A meal in a Lebanese restaurant had been arranged for those arriving today. Two of Mick’s sisters with husbands, a niece, the couple of the moment Kath and Sean plus tonight was a chance to meet Lydia Sean’s daughter. A lovely meal was enjoyed followed by a glass or two of wine back in the hotel bar.

Yvonne Arnaud Theatre almost finished having a make over

Saturday morning, hotel breakfasted, and smart clothes put on we all set off in cars. One to pick up more of the family from the station, others heading for Guildford. Having negotiated Guildford on foot several times I knew it was easy to take a wrong turning, which Mick did, meaning we’d have miles to go before being able to cross the River Wey. Thankfully I knew we’d be able to turn at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre and corrected our route pretty quickly, getting us to Guildford Registry Office still with plenty of time.

Registry Office
Photographers always get in the way!

At 11:30, the Geraghty and O’Malley families along with great friends from Ireland and the National Theatre were gathered waiting for Kath and Sean to make their big entrance.

The happy couple

A few readings on partnership, the legal bits said and witnessed, then the register signed. What else would they walk out to but David Essex and Hold Me Close, Sean doing a good impression of a man who’d not noticed Kath sneaking that particular track into the ceremony! She of course was word perfect.

John was the official photographer for the day and did a very good job without taking over a good section of the day as many professionals do. Time for chats and hugs before we all climbed back into cars and headed off to Mytchett for lunch at The Kingfisher on the Quay. We’d had a good burger here back in June with Sam my cousin.

Short speech of thanks

We had a room to ourselves in the busy restaurant. A short speech to thank people and a glass of fizz, then introductions, conversations, photos. Nibbles followed by a pre-chosen main course. Mick had opted for a Wagyu Burger and I had steak frites, all very nice.

The cutting of the cake!

Kath called me up. Time to make use of my upbringing. Just how would my Mum have cut their cake? Mum was a caterer and certain things became second nature growing up in her kitchen around her apron strings.

A month or so ago Kath had got in touch with ideas for their cake and asked if I could design it for her, all based on plants and creatures that inhabit their garden. The cake decorators had had a little bit of a challenge on their hands, but they had done a fab job, the ceanothus and Japanese Maple came out really well, as did the hedgehogs.

It didn’t last long!

Plenty of time for the kids to run around outside, Thomas has an inexhaustible amount of energy! Then late afternoon people started to head off. We did a trip back to the hotel to loose a car and then returned to Kath and Sean’s for another drink and some nibbles, a quieter time.

Geraghtys. Mick, Anne, Kath, Christine and Marion

What a lovely day having all Mick’s family together for the first time in years to celebrate Kath and Sean’s Civil Partnership.

0 locks, 0 miles, 1 hire car, 1 hotel room, 4 sisters, 1 brother, 4 brothers, 1 sister, 2 Catholic families, 2 partners, 1 cheesy song, 1 ebay dress, 1 NY hat, 2 bow ties, 1 cake, 6 gf muffins, 1 very happy couple.

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