Bridge 67, T&M

Mick was up, breakfasted and on his way to the station for a 9 something or other train, the first of three trains that would have him arrive in York three or so hours later. The first train was delayed so he didn’t arrive in York till around 1:30, good job he didn’t have an appointment. Todays trip was for a blood test after a change of medication. Since we’ve discovered that we can walk into York Hospital for certain things and the results still arrive with our GPs in Scarborough, we are saving both time and money on the trains.

Mick walked to the hospital. The moorings at the bottom of the Museum Gardens were pretty packed, narrowboats breasted up. A green bear sits in front of the Art Gallery and is a photo opportunity. Once at the hospital he took a number and waited his turn, only a fifteen minute wait and he could be on his way back.

Meanwhile back on Oleanna. After my exercises Tilly was allowed shore leave. 8 hours 30 minutes! No sight or sound of her for the first 90 minutes, today this outside was better than yesterday.

Numerous boats came past, about 1 in 10 audibly slowed as they approached Oleanna. I nearly opened up the hatch to congratulate the helm on NB Tranquillity at their speed. Another passing boat caught my eye, a Carefree Cruising boat. Yep it was NB Winding Down, our old shareboat with someone young at the helm.

Ends were woven in on sock pair 33, photos taken and then an email sent to the sponsor of pair 32 to see if it would be possible to hand them over in the next couple of weeks.

The afternoon was filled with drawing, inking and starting to paint the little project I started the other day. Still some more to do on it and one section I’m not convinced about that may require some attention.
Mick was back onboard around 7pm. The wind picking up around us. Today has definitely felt autumnal!
Tomorrow we’ll have a decision to make, which way to head northwards. This has been discussed a few times and we keep changing our minds. Carry on up the T&M, we came down it earlier in the year, or head up the Shroppie, we came down last year. Which ever way we go up, we’ll come back down the other way. Decisions decisions!
0 locks, 0 miles, 6 trains, 1 vile of blood, 15 minute wait, 23 fast boats, 3 slow boats, 8 out of 8.5 hours shore leave used, 1 sleepy cat, 1 blanket square finished, 1 evening off socks, 1 Mrs Tilly stamp of approval.