8th May Fund Britains Waterways Campaign Cruise

Before we left Scarbrough back in March our aim had been to head south to London so that we could join the Fund Britains Waterways Campaign Cruise to Westminster. Our route had to be carefully planned around stoppages and would have us cruising every day for around 4 hours. Unfortunatly we left Scarborough a week late and then the rivers in Yorkshire went into flood, holding us up for a second week. Medical appointments kept happening and trying to catch up on two weeks worth of cruising meant we simply wouldn’t make it and had to pull out.

A real shame as we’d booked a night at the Canal Museum. No other spaces were bookable in London two months in advance.
Boats were then to congregate at Limehouse on the evening of the 7th, a safety briefing at the Cruising Association and then today we’d have been up very early to catch the out going tide to head through the Thames Barrier. Boats would wait for the tide to turn and head back in to London, being joined by more boats penning out at Limehouse all heading to the Houses of Parliament as the campaign cruise. Going through the barrier would have been very exciting and scary, but being part of the cruise for ‘national and local government to act now and protect the public benefit and natural capital of our waterways’ was may more important.
We have watched the progress of NB Rum’a’Gin who have cruised down from Doncaster via the Leeds Liverpool Canal. If we’d not had to have so many days and trips back to Scarborough maybe we’d have tagged along with them, but it just wasn’t to be.

We’ve also looked at getting a train to London to join those standing on Westminster Bridge supporting the cruise, but this week train strikes have counted that out too. A coach was looked into, but quite quickly discounted, I think it was going to take 8 hours to get there and back!
So we may not be present for the campaign cruise, but our hearts will be there chearing them on.
If you’d like to add your support please sign the petition here.
Or even better head to Westminster Bridge today for 12:15pm. The boats are due to start arriving around 12:30. More details can be found here.
All the best to those on the cruise from NB Oleanna.