Mick picked up a hire car this morning, the original plan had been to use it for trips to the tip and charity shops as the room known as the Shed is being paid some attention. Boxes of old electrical things, my broken sewing machine headed to the recycling centre and boxes of redundant pans amongst other things, headed to St Catherine’s Hospice shop.

Having the car for a whole day and not to use it more would have been a waste, so I suggested a trip to see Oleanna, returning a car load of our possessions to help stagger our return to life afloat. Mostly my work things were packed deep in the back of a Fiat 500. These items won’t be needed until we’re back afloat so shouldn’t be missed.

Once our jobs around Scarborough were done we set off across the Wolds, Bainton roundabout daffodils looking fantastic today despite the grey heavy clouds.
I’d taken along a sock to carry on knitting. I’d cast on the toe last night so hoped I’d not have to look down too much as I knitted, I can get a touch of motion sickness in a car. Thankfully my plan worked and I’d almost got to the heel gusset when we arrived in Goole.

Oleanna sat being buffeted about in the wind. Caution required stepping on and off the stern as she was being pushed away from her pontoon.

We unloaded the car and I set too stowing the office cupboard again. The dinette cushions were removed and model making kit and paints were tucked away in the corner. Then the stern steps had to be lifted and turned out of the way to gain access to where I store my scenic brushes.

Mick checked things over with the inverter. Last time he’d visited he’d done a firmware upgrade and there have been a few things he’s not been able to check on remotely since, mostly historic data. The router was rebooted which settled things. The remote camera needed an upgrade and a reboot too before it’s images could be viewed again.

A pack up with a cuppa each was enjoyed with the view from the side hatch. Just a shame that the wind blowing Oleanna about was making such a horrendous din on the fenders. Mick spent sometime trying to improve things, hoping to stop the creaking for the sanity of our poor next door neighbour!

Then it was time for us to get back in the car and return to Scarborough, driving towards very big fat black clouds and through hail showers. Kind of glad we weren’t wanting to go anywhere by boat today!

Sockathon news is such that I’m managing to keep up with a sock a day despite my fingers starting to dry up and my dodgy right hand tending to be quite stiff in the mornings. So I’ve decided to release a few more pairs to knit for people. Last year I managed 9 pairs during March. April has 30 days, 1 sock a day means 15 pairs! However, I’m going to be cautious. We’ve another day trip coming up soon which will wipe out half a day or so of knitting, not sure I can manage knitting on a bus! So as it’s the 13th April, I’m going to aim for 13 pairs, which may increase to 14 or 15 during the month. So if you fancy a pair get in quickly, first come first knitted!
UPDATE. Within 24hrs all the extra pairs of socks have been claimed. I have 14 pairs to knit in April, plus a couple in reserve should I manage more! Donations now stand at 84% of my target.

Twenty one years ago today my wonderful Mum, Lil passed away. Last year I wrote a blog post all about her Link here. She’s the reason I’m raising funds for Dementia UK with my Sockathon.
If you’d like to make a donation to help me reach my target then please donate to the following link. I’m hoping to raise enough to help train a specialist nurse to offer support to families who care for someone with dementia.
Thank you to all those who have sponsored me already. Socks will be posted out at the beginning of next month, unless I can hand them over in person.
0 locks, 0 miles, 1 happy milkman, 1 half diddy car full to the boat, 2 boxes 1 sewing machine for recycling, 1 big box for charity, 6.3 pairs socks knitted, 70% towards target, 3 more pairs up for grabs, so be quick, be very very quick!