Thorne Lock
Mick emailed the person who developed the blog roll plugin as there had been no response to the support ticket. The first post on his website was about the Falkirk Wheel! Soon afterwards there was a reply. The chap said he’d look into the plugin with regards to PHP 8.0. It’s nice to be able to see the latest posts on blogs as they are published and Mick spent ages hunting for a plugin that would roll. The blog will stay put on the current PHP until we hear that the problems have been solved.

Much colder today, we were glad the stove was lit. Just before lunchtime Mick popped over to the chandlers but the Marine 16 hadn’t arrived yet. We’d wait and try later.
Rain mostly came all day, sometimes heavy, sometimes not so, but it didn’t encourage any of us to head out into it. We postponed filling with water until tomorrow. Our mooring here is nicer than any below the lock in Thorne, especially for Tilly. But then today she only headed out properly for about ten minutes returning soaked by rain. She did try several times to come in for ‘Thank you for coming home’ Dreamies, but I knew she’d not stepped paw off the boat onto land, so no reward!

I spent most of the day knitting, finishing off pair nine. The last four pairs of socks all need their ends weaving in which is a job for tomorrow. With only one day left of the challenge I wouldn’t get another pair of adult socks knitted, so I started on some premature baby socks. They are so diddy!

Another visit to the chandlers and still no Marine 16. It’s not imperative that we get some, it would just be nice.
More importantly there was no phone call about our cratch cover. The chap had said he would be in Thorne this week so would drop it back with us. We need it back before we head onto the Trent, we’ll call him in the morning as time is starting to run out.
0 locks, 0 miles, 2 trips to the chandlers, 0 Marine 16, 0 cratch cover, 9th pair, 1 diddy sock finished, 1 fishing line caught, 1 wet cold day, 10 minutes shore leave, 1 big crane boat arrived on the Stainforth and Keadby Canal assisted by Little Shuva, 4 days till the lock closes.