Goole, concrete works to Went Aqueduct, New Junction Canal.
As we tucked into a bowl of porridge each this morning I sent off an email regarding my phone call last night. The phone call was as much for my benefit as Abi’s, as we’ve not worked together or even met. Shortly afterwards came back a reply from John, a contract would be forwarded to my agent soon. Marvellous!
This means I’ll be spending the next few months designing as we cruise and that we now have somewhere to aim for towards the end of the year, the South Oxford Canal. Dick Whittington will be my fourth Chippy Panto!
Frank gave me a lift to the station on his way back to Scarborough. Thank you again Frank, next time you visit hopefully we’ll be cruising and you can sit back and enjoy the scenery.

In Doncaster I picked up my glasses, at last! Before I got on a train to return I made sure I had a good walk around town to make sure they still fitted and didn’t hurt after half an hours worth of wear. I used my time hunting round for Tilly’s currently preferred cat food, but Whiskas seems to have a problem supplying food in gravy at the moment, I returned to the station with no cat food.

Back in Goole I popped into Boyes. There in their gardening section was a small pressurised garden pray bottle 1.5 litres, just the thing for the Wet and Forget. Then Asda came up trumps with Tilly’s food, so I had a heavy load to carry back to Oleanna.
Whilst I’d been out we’d had a Sainsburys delivery and Alastair had been to replace the starter alternator and water pump fan belt. It’s position in the engine bay making it a touch awkward to get at and Mick would rather someone with more experience fitted it. Well worth an hour of Alastair’s time.
Now all we needed was a cat, but she was busy somewhere being a thug no doubt!

The afternoon was ticking by, all we needed was to top up the diesel tank and buy a bit more coal then we could leave. Tilly arrived back a bit after 4pm, the doors were closed, ropes untied and we pushed off to head for the diesel point at Boat House. Mick had already checked with Laird at Viking as to how much his diesel was, still £1.42, Boat House was £1.35.

We’d just caught the new owner before the pump was locked up for the day, 47 litres and 2 bags of coal, we were stocked up. No other reason for us to be in Goole, it was time to push off and wave farewell.

WB Lullabelle was on the paid for moorings outside Spicers Auction House, making use of the electricity. Wendy waved as we passed by, hope your planned trip over the Leeds Liverpool goes well, hopefully see you somewhere later this year or next.

Out through the caisson gates, facing the lowering sun. All very romantic!

The further we got the lower the sun got, dipping behind clouds as it went. We’d started off in t-shirts, had added jumpers within half an hour, then coats as the sun finally disappeared as we turned the 90 degrees at Breach Corner. Would we regret the stove being out?

We were finally on our way, southwards to new waters. It felt good to now have a purpose and not just be hanging around. Well we still need to be reunited with our cratch cover, but that is already finished, we just have to coincide with it in Thorne next week.

I put the finishing touches to a Quinoa Crust Quiche to celebrate our departure and getting a job.

0 locks, 6.46 miles, 1 wind, 2 trains, 1 new pair glasses, 1 deli visit, 0 purchases, 2 boxes Tilly food, 1 spray bottle, 6 bottles wine, 20% off, 1 new belt, 47 litres, 2 bags coal, 1 fire out, 2 boaters and 1 cat heading off into the sunset.

Glad to see that your skills are still in demand!
Thanks Mike, so am I.
Glad to see you with.l be in chippy again.
We didn’t get to Doncaster market. Went to Elsecar heritage centre instead, looked at the remaining bits of the Sheffield and south Yorkshire navigation dearness dove canal, Elsecar branch and a walk round Elsecar reservoir and Park