My last Sunday morning on board before panto, so I had requested a cooked breakfast. Very yummy it was too.

A few last things to pack and then I was ready. Time to push off to load the car.

Late yesterday afternoon I’d heard a boat pulling in a boat behind us. This morning as we started to untie a chap on the narrowboat was doing the same. Without assistance he was taking his time, so we waited patiently before undoing our ropes.

I looked at his boat. Hang on! Could this be a boat I’d been keeping my eyes open for since we reached Wakefield? It had the right configuration at the bow, but I just couldn’t see it’s name. The chap reversed out from the mooring and proceeded to wind, heading back towards the flood lock. As he did so we both spotted each others boat names at the same time. NB Honky Tonk is another Finesse boat, we follow each other on Instagram. We waved and had chance for a little bit of a chat, but the distance between us was a touch too much for him to hear properly, he at least got the jist that we wouldn’t be following him to Lemonroyd Lock, a shame really as we could have met properly.

Once he’d cleared we followed suit, pushing out and winding. We headed up towards the flood lock, all of 0.4 of a mile. The lock landing was full of fishermen, so we couldn’t pull in there and get the car alongside to load it.

Instead we pulled up behind the boat moored on the water point and whilst I popped the last few things into bags Mick ferried things to the car.

Once I was off loaded we winded again and returned to where we’d come from, mooring up well in case any of the gravel barges were on the move. Now it was time to say goodbye.

Well I knew what was happening, but a little unsure to what extent. She’d been putting things in bags, lots of them! Last time She did this we all moved to Scarboreugh, to a house! But this time it didn’t look like I was going anywhere. She gave me a big head nudge and asked me to look after the boat and Tom, I also got some Webbox too! Then they were gone, leaving me in charge. Thankfully She’d left me my evening dingding and extra biscuits!

Normally it takes 50 minutes to reach Chippy by bus, today it would take about three hours by car. The last stretch gave us great views over the Cotswolds. We dipped down through Over Norton and into Chipping Norton.

I’m staying with Suzanne again where I’ve been for the previous pantos. She was away for the weekend so had left me a key. We off loaded the car and had a cuppa, then it was time for Mick to head back to Oleanna. He could have stayed the night, but would have been under time pressure to get back with the hire car. Heading back today meant he could do a few chores in the morning, return the car and then hopefully get down the broken lock whilst it is being manned, the day after it will be closed for divers to hopefully fix the problem.

So I am now in Chipping Norton for the next few weeks, working hard, doing my best to avoid catching any lurgy. Mick and Tilly will still be cruising and taking photos for me. For the next few weeks it will be Panto Postcard Posts only on the blog. See you at the weekend.

0 locks, 0.8 miles, 2 winds, 2 Finesse boats, 2 many bags, 1 full car, 1 very early dingding, at least we remembered this time, 3 hours there, 3 hours back, 1 Chippy home again, 0 Pepper the cat :(, 1 post a week for a while.
Hope all goes well for you both.
Will enjoy your weekly postcards.
Hope all goes well