Mark has been back to the breach site this morning.

As reported the level is up in the cofferdam again.

From C&RTs update it sounded like the eastern/downstream end of the cofferdam had given way. But from this photo it suggests it was actually the western/upstream end as a blue tarp has been added where the piling meets the bank.

Where the pipes pump the water out from the western end (I don’t know what to call them) another raft has appeared. It looks like they are planning on extending the existing pipes to this new raft, so as to suck water out further away from the piling. Maybe this is what caused the problem.

Down in the drain below you can see water is escaping again. This suggests that the hole is in the side not the base of this section. The water drained down to a level last time and then was needing pumps to completely empty the cofferdam.
The water level is now higher therefore draining into the drain again. I wonder how long it takes for it to empty itself?

These two photos were taken about ten days ago when the level was lower. The blue tarp and bags of aggregate still in position from before Christmas, helping to stem the flow of water.

Here you can see the water is being pumped out from the drain into the Dutch River.

This was the caisson gates and stop planks at Goole a couple of weeks ago, pumps working hard there.

Viking Marina at the same time. Hello Oleanna!

Goole Boathouse Marina
Thank you once again to Mark for the great photos. Even though there have been problems at the site it is good to see how things are first hand.
Later this month we will be changing our website hosting. Readers shouldn’t notice anything different and those who get an email each time I post should still get one. I will do my best to inform you of the last post before we move, JUST IN CASE!
Hopefully, things are moving forward and one day you’ll get back on board.
I’m interested to know what new hosting you’re going to for the blog?
We’ve still to finally make our minds up
We’ve still to finally make our minds up, Mick is on the case and we’re down to two. Will let you know when we do. The move is down to cost along with running low on storage space.
Completely understand. We pay for the Business account in order to have plug ins. It’s not cheap but it means we can sell cards and jigsaws and I don’t have to worry about admin and backup. We just need to sell more to cover the cost ?
Good luck with the quest. Hugs to you both xx
Hi Sandra.
We are looking at a couple of hosting sites, either or but there are plenty of others around and pretty much all of them will host a WordPress web site.. They are both about £80 (in advance) for three years hosting (including a free domain for a year). You still use the WordPress interface but without the restrictions that impose. For example you are free to use plugins which our package with didn’t allow. There’s 50G of storage (as opposed to WordPress’s 6). You can also get into and amend the codeing if you are really geeky! The three year price is about the same as we were paying to WordPress for two years. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Sounds interesting. Good luck. I’m sticking with the simplest option despite the expense. I don’t have any spare capacity to shop around or worry about backing up or anything complex. My time is expensive ?
Here’s hoping the breach is fixed soon enough for you have a bit of a cruise in the coming months.
Current word on the water is at least 2 months, worst case late summer!