
We’re here again! I’ve nearly finished mapping out all the good bits of the sideways trees around here, at least it isn’t the severe BUMingham with only bricks! She says we might be here for a little while so I shouldn’t use this outside all up at once. Well I’d nearly done that the last time we were here!

But I do have extra bits to explore. This outside has grown a climbing frame, most unexpected.

There has been a group of Toms expanding it today. It’s going to take some calculations but I think it shouldn’t be beyond my abilities. The bottom bits have had nice spongy things added to them. These are not quite as good as tree trunks, but quite good to claw, a different texture. More importantly they should be able to give me good grip whilst I start my ascent up the poles.

My Feline Design Assistance is also going to be needed very soon. ‘The Garden’ is my kind of show, sideways trees and a fence to sit on. She has got the go ahead to make her model so I’m going to be busy helping. Apparently this model won’t have any poisonous chairs in it.

There is a song played in the play and I think the big giraffe across the way wrote it.

He just wants to snog everyone!

0 locks, 0 miles, 0 straights, 2 smilers, 2.5 hrs, 1 thumbs up, 1 climbing frame, 41 trolleys reported, 2 extra levels, 1 snogging giraffe.