Visit 28th November
We were in Sheffield very early today so that we could meet up with Andy Russell the sign writer.
Andy had arrived before us and was starting to mark out Oleanna’s name on the cabin side in china graph. The pictures of my model had been printed out for him. Rather than measure up he had gauged the size I was after by eye and was using his mahl stick as a straight edge and to measure up. He worked quickly and efficiently.
I was wanting the lettering to match the cream and red that had been used on the boat already, these he would mix from his stock of paints as he went.
These photos are a little confusing due to reflections of the boat next door. Oleanna has had the lower lines masked and sprayed out blue on both sides. The rest of her had been covered in brown paper to mask out when the spraying happened.
The new lines will be sprayed in soon the right way round. If you stand in line with the cabin side and look along it you can just make out the shadow of the previous lines. This position, when she is in the water, will be a very unusual one for anyone to be at, so hopefully any shadow will not be obvious.

The control panel is in position behind the little hatch at the stern. The engine temperature gauge has been installed above the electrics cupboard along with switches for Nav lights and the tunnel light, not sure what the third one is yet.Here is the engine all green and shiny. There are still various things to happen in the engine bay to do with electrics which will happen this coming weekend.
The hospital silencer is installed, top right hand corner of the bottom photo, this basically makes the noise coming from the exhaust quieter, so less shouting at each other on the back deck will be needed.
Two batteries were on the trays. The one to the left is the starter and is a wet cell battery. The one on the right is one of the Lithium Batteries. The second one is still on it’s way from the States and is expected sometime this week. Space has been built in should we find we need a third battery.
The two brass fittings attached to pipes above the batteries are bleeding nipples! We think. They are on the same side as the radiators and are higher so we suspect these are valves for us to be able to bleed air out of the system.
In the starboard side rear locker there is the header tank for the Alde Boiler, tucked into the corner. The water level can be topped up here and anti freeze can also be added to the system.
The prop is now fitted.
Inside the electrics cupboard more has been happening. The top panel of switches are for the 24 volt electrics, such as fridge, water, lights.
Below are switches for 12 volt electrics which is stepped down from the 24 volt supply.
The Victron Battery monitor sits next to the water tank gauge (held on with masking tape), the hole next to this is for the diesel tank gauge.
The Alde controller is on the lower door next to the battery isolators.
The white box in the photo on the right is the 240 volt distribution box. This will also go in the cupboard. There is a possibility that with the boiler running and all the electrics going that they may have to add some forced cooling from the engine bay, by means of a fan. This won’t be known until everything is rigged up and working. Next time we visit the spaghetti mountain in the cupboard should all be sorted and connected.
There is still the MPPT controller to be fitted and space for our router. The router may have to go below the boiler, dimensions have been passed onto Ricky and if the cables need routing to the lower portion of the cupboard then this will be done.
We had brought along one of our Brompton bikes to check on the areas where they will be stored. The slot next to the fridge has a gas pipe running through it and we wanted to check that the bike would not touch this. The small shelf created by the swim in the slot means that the bike cannot touch the pipe. The bike does slightly protrude from the slot, but we knew this would be the case. On our current boat the bike encroaches the corridor a little bit more than this, it hasn’t been a problem to us in the last couple of years. The bottom of the rear port side cupboard accommodates a bike wonderfully, this will be where our second less used bike lives.
The cable in the bike slot is for power to the fridge.
Some curtain poles were in place. Kim had managed to get them to put some up so that the curtains could be made. They will only be put on board once all the messy jobs have been completed.
What we call the Houdini shelf has now been fitted above the TV shelving. This is so that our cat can sit and watch the world go by and stalk passing ducks and we can keep a few bits and bobs ontop of the shelf unit. I’m hoping my model of Oleanna will fit there.
The blinds for the galley are having to be remade so that they fit in the recess of the window frame. The position of the extractor above the cooker was causing issues, so this is the best solution. So if you know of anyone who could do with two dark blue metal venetian blinds please put them in touch.
Worktops have been ordered. The sample that I selected only comes as a jumbo sheet therefore there is more wastage than normal. Once it arrives with the chap who will shape it, he will be able to see if a usable off cut can be left for a future client which will reduce the price. It will take two weeks for him to shape before it can be fitted. This is now what will hold us up getting Oleanna into the water. Various jobs cannot be done until the worktops are installed, final sockets in the galley, steel backing to the cooker etc.
Kris talked over positions for aerials at the stern and double checked where we would like the bow thruster control to be positioned. Both he and Ricky reckon that she should touch the water in Sheffield before Christmas, we are hoping that this will give us enough time to have her launched before Christmas in Macclesfield.
All the time things were being discussed Andy kept painting and we’d pop back into the workshop to have a look.
I’d discussed with him about the lettering having a red shadow as if the light source was at the bow. When I popped back in to see how he was doing the port side Oleanna had almost all of it’s shadowing done, but on the wrong side! He was painting the shadow on the left which (excuse me if I get this the wrong way round) is how boats in the north of the country traditionally have their shadows painted no matter which side of the boat. It turns out that the shadow will be northern on the starboard side and southern on the port as my interpretation of shadowing comes from one light source and not tradition.
Andy was very good about it and immediately got a rag out and with white spirit wiped the cabin side clean. My heart fell, he had to remove the cream as well as the red shadow. But he straight away redrew the lettering and started painting it back in. When I returned a while later he was just finishing off the port side shadowing and about to start on the other side. As he moved round he made sure which side the shadow would be on.
With shadows added to the bow Andy was finished and ready to move onto sign writing NB Muddy Waters one of Oleanna’s neighbours.
Wow she's a picture ??.