Last night the wind dropped just enough for the fire to be lit. So here’s a better photo than in the last post along with our giant ham joint that we’ll be eating for the next month!

The big man in red thankfully found us. Lots of goodies and of course some socks each, although not Pip socks. Somehow Father Tom had put things for me in their stockings! Not on!!! Maybe Tilly needs a bigger stocking next year. She now has food and water bowls for both house and boat and we won’t fight over who gets to keep the Dreamies!
One thing that has been trying to arrive for a few days, a very badly timed cold! Thankfully it only produces one line on a test.
Time now to open Christmas presents and put the oven on.
Wishing all our readers, family, friends both near and far

A Very Happy Christmas.
Best Wishes
Pip, Mick and Tilly
Merry Christmas to you all
Happy Christmas to all three of you and I hope the cold goes soon. xx
Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
You too Ade